Promoting a Cult, for the “Good” of Society


by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

Another fifth generation warfare tool of governments, propagandists and intelligence agencies

The Netflix documentary “How to Become a Cult Leader” is a must watch, if like me, you are still mystified as to how our society, which become so hysterical over COVID-19, then managed to pivot 180 degrees to becoming just as hysterical about climate change science <insert sarcasm emoji> and the science <insert sarcasm emoji> of gender ideology. You know, that new scientific definition of gender – as defined by the World Health Organization. Because we all know the WHO is the global arbiter of health truthiness.


Over the past two years, I have come to realize just how easily groups of people can be manipulated and controlled by those in power. That the processes used for such manipulation reflect the same processes used by cult leaders.

The official trailer from the documentary describes why people join cults, but it also offers insights into exactly how people can be manipulated.

Cult-like Behavior

In 2021, I edited Robert F. Kennedy’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. It was a huge undertaking. I was proud of my contributions but also horrified by what that book revealed, as was Jill. She posted a link to the book on her facebook page – just a link mind you, with a recommendation to read the book. An in-law of ours who lives in the DC area, someone we thought of as a personal friend, immediately blocked Jill permanently. The sin being that Jill was being critical of Anthony Fauci by publicizing RFKjr’s carefully researched and footnoted book. This branch of our family has literally not talked to Jill or I since. We are not invited to gatherings where they are in attendance. We are permanently banned from the “village” for the social sin of posting a link that that was critical of Anthony Fauci.

This is one example cult-like behavior. I suspect that you are familiar with many others.

It was at that moment when I really began to realize that what was happening with the COVID-19 propaganda and how it was affecting people was more than just a misunderstanding or absence of facts. After listening to Dr. Matthias Desmond’s brilliant lecture in 2021 on mass formation – I began to formulate the idea that this was a much deeper issue that had underlying roots in totalitarian movements, as the holocaust survivor Hannah Arendt had laid out so clearly long ago.

My thinking has evolved on this topic. Yes, mass formation (groups) and mass psychosis – and I do mean psychosis, because I am writing of the individual, is a real phenomenon. Despite the fact that it is not listed in the American “Diagnostics and Statistics Manual”, many psychiatrists, psychologists and (even public leaders such as the late Robert McNamara) recognize this disorder.

I personally believe that the US government, the “five eyes” intelligence community and many world leaders have come to understand the power of cults, as well as the power of the mass formation process, and have learned to harness these psychosocial processes for their own purposes through neurolinguistic programming and other methods. They now use that power to manipulate the masses for their own purposes, as evidenced by the over 6,000 peer reviewed academic publications available on pubmed concerning vaccine hesitancy and studies on how to overcome it. 1260 of those papers can be found here.

But what exactly is a cult? The standard definition is this:

But then in order to understand the definition of a cult, one must ask what is, and what is not a religion?

Religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to the belief and worship of a controlling force, such as a personal god or another supernatural being.

Religion often involves cultural beliefs, worldviews, texts, prophecies, revelations, and morals that have spiritual meaning to members of the particular faith, and it can encompass a range of practices, including sermons, rituals, prayer, meditation, holy places, symbols, trances, and feasts.”

The above definition of a religion makes the definition of a cult problematic. If a cult is just a religion that is false or extreme, who is to judge that? Don’t most religions profess to offer truth above and beyond other religions? Don’t most religious sects strive to produce charismatic leaders who can inspire? What about God, isn’t God the ultimate “authoritarian” leader?

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