Now They’re Coming for Me


by Stephen Kruiser, PJ Media:

Here is an opinion of mine that at one time in this country’s history wasn’t controversial: I am not a fan of censorship.

When I was a young comedian, we didn’t have to worry much about what we said onstage. I could — and did — get away with some outlandish material. People weren’t actively seeking to be offended in those days. Americans all over the political spectrum placed a high premium on free speech. If you had told me back then that half of the country would be actively cheering on censorship in 40 years, I’d have suggested that you see a neurologist.


Censorship is now an important weapon in the American Left’s arsenal when it comes to advancing their agenda. This is because leftist ideology is garbage and can only be supported by false narratives. Anybody who says that the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes needs to be shut up—and quickly.

Now that the 2024 election cycle is officially underway, the Big Tech censors have made it clear that we are still not allowed to tell the truth about tyrannical and useless COVID mandates, climate change hysteria, or the multiple genders anti-science. Paula explained in a recent post what happens when we do:

One of the “tells” of the coming lockdowns and vax mandates is that the fact-checkers are escalating their attacks on the free flow of information. They are beginning to enforce The Narrative again to ensure you only get information from Approved Government Agencies. In August alone, PJ Media has had nearly a dozen articles demonetized by Google Ads, meaning that we can’t make any money from the articles, even though we still have to pay the writers for their work.

And not only that, but every time we get demonetized, it goes against our Quality Score, which can mean the difference between decent ads for products you might be interested in and an endless parade of ads for toe fungus or intestinal worm remedies (please, anything but those!).

Two of those articles were mine. They hit two more of mine in July too. All were about climate change hysteria. What I consistently write is this: Climate does change. We can’t do anything about it. The Democrats are in bed with the Big Green lobby. All true and easily provable. The Big Tech overlords deem these statements “unreliable and harmful.”

They’re only harmful to the perpetuation of the false narrative.

As the boss noted, they’re still obligated to keep me paid well enough to make sure there’s always a lot of craft beer and quality cuts of meat at the Kruiser Bunker. I am forever grateful for this and would like to continue the arrangement. Also, you guys know that I’m a lot of fun. Do we really want to let a bunch of Silicon Valley tech dweebs with inflatable girlfriends shut me up?

No, America, we don’t.

The greatest thing about our VIP program is that my colleagues and I can write and talk about all of the things that the Orwell fetishists abhor. Yes, we’re still tied to them for revenue for the foreseeable future, but the party on the other side of the paywall is a way to make that relationship more and more estranged. Right now, you can join the VIP party here and receive a whopping 50% discount by using the promo code CENSORSHIP.

We will always have lots of content like my Morning Briefing available without a subscription. However, for two bucks a month, you can enjoy a more unfettered me. I like to keep a good mix of serious and lighthearted going on over there at all times, and I am beginning to do more of both. It’s fun for me, and it keeps Paula from having to constantly reach for the Prilosec.

With this discount, you can become a VIP Gold member for an additional $1.70 a month and get access to all the premium content at every Townhall Media site. You could be political partying with the likes of me, VodkaPundit, Kurt Schlichter, Cam Edwards, Ed Morrissey, Larry O’Connor, Katie Pavlich, and a cast of thousands. OK, maybe not thousands, but it will feel like it. VIP Gold gets you access to the twice-weekly live video romp called “Five O’Clock Somewhere,” which I co-host with my good friend and longtime collaborator, Stephen Green. It originally began as a way to entertain our VIP Gold friends during the early days of the pandemic. It was supposed to last for a few weeks. We’re still going strong more than three years later, and we now roll the Friday episode into a Zoom happy hour.

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