NFL stadium unleashes ‘robodog’ security robot armed with night vision and facial-recognition software: Stadium owners say ‘our fans just love it’


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta recently welcomed the introduction of “Benzie the Dronedog,” a robot that has facial-recognition capabilities and will patrol the stadium to keep an eye on fans. Benzie will monitor 11 acres around the stadium, continuously uploading real-time video of everything and everyone he sees. He has night-vision capabilities, can read license-plates and sniff for explosives. But is he armed?



No, not yet anyway.

According to The Atlanta Business Chronicle, which broke the story last week, this robot dog will be unleashed on the fans of the Atlanta Falcons when the NFL season starts this month.

The A.I.-powered robot is designed and manufactured by Boston Dynamics and deployed by Evolv Technology, which brags in a propaganda video that this creepy robot will “make guests feel safer at Mercedes Benz stadium.”

Here’s another video put out by the stadium owners.

These are the same type of robots, mind you, that are used in cities across China to boss people around on behalf of their rulers, the Chinese Communist Party. They scan people’s faces everywhere they go and demand a clear shot of your face if it is hidden. But here in America, we don’t see a fierce robot dog barking orders, we see a friendly puppy dog. We’re made to believe it will be “like walking into a friend’s house,” the video above says.

In China, some of the robot dogs have been seen armed with guns capable of shooting a disobedient citizen. Oh, but that will never happen in America. We’re too civilized for that. Our robots are friendly. We take selfies with them and even dance with them.

Sportskeeda noted that in February, during a pre-Super Bowl concert, performing artist Jason Derulo danced with robodogs on stage, at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.

And the feedback from fans in Atlanta, the stadium owners say, has been “off the charts positive.”

Remember, these transhumanist technocratic mouthpieces ALWAYS use the same language whenever they roll out a new tool to control the masses. It’s always one of three words that can be guaranteed to be included in their slick PR campaigns: Safety. Security. Convenience.

Evolv is no different. They will tell any lie to the ignorant masses while laughing all the way to the bank at how stupid most Americans, and most Westerners in general, can actually be.

Here is what Evolv says on its website:

“Evolv understands that there needs to be a better way. Through a combination of powerful sensor technology, proven AI, and comprehensive insights, Evolv is transforming the way in which people move through life. We can now screen for threats at an unparalleled ease and speed with digital insights that continually improve a security posture.”

Isn’t it nice to know that companies like Evolv are out there “transforming” the way we move through life? Did they ask us if we want our way of life “transformed?” No, but they sure are getting rich off forcing this on us, then telling us how much we will love our slavery.

Evolve brags that it is using artificial intelligence to “make the world a safer place.”

Do you ever wonder that with so many tech firms out there like Evolv bragging about how they keep us safe and secure, why does the world never get safer or more secure? In fact, the opposite is happening.

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