Justin Trudeau Comes After Canadian Grocery Stores


from Moonbattery:

The war on energy and wasteful public spending have predictably driven up prices, particularly for food. This is not a bug for liberal policy, but a feature. As Vladimir Lenin said, “The worse, the better.” People have been conditioned to turn to Big Government for solutions to their problems, despite Big Government having caused most if not all of them. Unaffordable food is an easy problem to exploit.

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Justin Trudeau says it is “not okay” that the people who provide Canadians with food make a profit doing so. So Big Government will have to step in, applying liberal logic by lowering prices with higher taxes:

As Founding Father John Marshall observed, the power to tax is the power to destroy.

Canada had no Founding Fathers. Rather than rebel, Canadians waited for the British Empire to wither away. It is not surprising that they are decaying more quickly into oligarchical collectivism, although the USA is not far behind.

What makes Justin Trudeau so dangerous is that he is hard to take seriously. He is a metrosexual soy boy. But he is also a tyrant whose ambitions might be worthy of a Bolshevik.

History buffs will recall that Stalin used control of the food supply to consolidate power. Most liberals sporting Ukrainian flag pins probably don’t know that Uncle Joe (as FDR called him) starved to death approximately 4 million Ukrainians during the Holodomor. But their leaders know.

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