JOE BIDEN DISQUALIFIED: Violated the U.S. Code with Self-Incriminating Evidence and Here’s the Legal Proof


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following law-breaking analysis of Joe Biden’s personal and professional crime sprees is as irrefutable as it is legally sound.  There are various elements which constitute this indisputable legal case against the crime-committing VPOTUS which do not even include the much larger crime wave perpetrated by the entire Biden Crime Family—an international RICO-level crime syndicate.

Notoriously known as “the BIG Guy”, Joe Biden effectively functioned as the Capo di tutti capi of his stealthily veiled Irish-American Mafia Family.  In that criminal capacity, Mafia don Joe Biden got his 10% cut of what was essentially a highly organized crime syndicate whose illicit activities were carried out worldwide in transparent violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

As a career criminal politician, Joe Biden mastered the art of influence peddling so much so that many of his closest colleagues secretly called him the “The Grifter”.  They were well aware that the whole Biden family was systematically used to execute the numerous grifts on a global basis.  As Obama’s overwhelmingly corrupt VP, shamelessly swindling nations large and small was actually a major part of his double-dealing job description.

In point of fact, the extremely lawless and chaotic Obamanation that has come to define these once United States of America today was only made possible because of Biden running his multifarious crime sprees behind the scenes.  As a matter of historical fact, even Obama said that Biden has an “ability to f**k things up”.  Which is exactly why Biden was selected by his NWO globalist masters to outright steal the 202o POTUS election from President Trump.

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