Immunisation Agenda 2030: Bill Gates’ latest plan to vaccinate every man, woman and child on Earth


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

UN-led global immunisation strategy was launched in April 2021 – the Immunisation Agenda 2030 (IA2030).  It unites WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other partners to focus on vaccination throughout life, from infancy through to adolescence and older age.

IA2030 sets an overarching global vision and strategy for vaccines and immunisation for the decade 2021–2030.  The specified goal of their unprecedented agenda is to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on Earth by the year 2030.


“The covid-19 pandemic has reminded the world of the power of vaccines to fight disease, save lives, and create a healthier, safer, and more prosperous future,” WHO claims attempting to sell the IA2030 strategy.  “Immunisation … is an indisputable human right.  It’s also one of the best health investments money can buy.”

Is IA2030 UN-led?

According to the United Nations (“UN”), IA2030 is a UN-led global immunisation strategy.  But we beg to differ considering the partnerships and the funding.

In April, Andrew Bridgen MP gave a speech during a Westminster Hall debate. “The second-largest donor after Germany is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and I think Gavi is the fifth, so if we add those together, they are the biggest donors to the WHO,” he said.

Bill & Melinda Gates set up their Foundation in 1994.  Since then, vaccines have become the Gates Foundation’s biggest investment.  In 1999, the Gates Foundation set up the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (“GAVI”).

GAVI is a public-private partnership between UN agencies, governments, the vaccine industry, the private sector and civil society.  GAVI’s partners are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the key partner), the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), the United Nations Children’s Fund (“UNICEF”) and the World Bank.

IA2030’s partners are WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Excepting for the World Bank, IA2030 partners are GAVI’s partners.  And, GAVI’s founder and key partner is Bill Gates.  So, we can assume that IA2030 is, in fact, a Gates initiative.

It is not the first time Gates has attempted to profiteer from vaccinating the world.  In 2012, at the World Health Assembly, Bill Gates became the leader of the 2012-2020 Global Vaccine Action Plan (“GVAP”), the global immunisation plan of the so-called “decade of vaccines.” According to Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, in 2016, an assessment of GVAP showed that the plan to vaccinate the world had failed.  “They were very upset because they did not [vaccinate] the whole world,” she told Reiner Fuellmich early last year.

WHO is Lying to You

Before we get to IA2030, it is important to put WHO’s documents into context and to establish the integrity of WHO’s statements about vaccines.  To demonstrate that WHO is not truthful to the public, below is a comparison of what is said by a senior WHO official in promotional material to what was said at a WHO summit.

On 2 to 3 December 2019, WHO convened the Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva, Switzerland. The summit aimed to “take stock of [the] accomplishments” of WHO’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) and to work toward finalising the agency’s Global Vaccine Safety Blueprint 2.0 strategy 2021-2030.

On 28 November 2019, paediatrician Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, WHO’s Chief Scientist, assured the public in a commercial that “vaccines are very safe” and that vaccine safety tracking is robust, and examining the data lets them promptly address problems. They are “thoroughly monitored.”

Four days later, at the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit, Dr. Swaminathan admitted: “We really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries. We can’t give answers about the deaths. We need to put mechanisms in place to monitor what’s going on. With many drugs, we only learn about adverse events after they are introduced to the populations.”

And she was not the only one expressing concerns about vaccine safety at the Summit.  For a summary list of quotes from attendees at the Summit in the 56-minute video below condensed from Highwire, see the description below the video on YouTube.

World Health Organisation Vaccine Safety Summit for Lawmakers – from The Highwire (56 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can find the full show on The Highwire’s website HERE.

Further reading:

How did the Member States Vote for IA2030?

They didn’t.

In August 2020, the Seventy-third World Health Assembly (“WHA”), through the written silence procedure, endorsed the new global vision and overarching strategy for vaccines and immunisation: Immunisation Agenda 2030 (IA2030).

The written silence procedure is when the Director General transmits to the Member States a proposal for consideration and then sets a deadline within which written objections need to be submitted.  In this case, within 14 days from the date of dispatch of the Director General’s communication.

“In absence of the receipt by the set date of any written objection from a Member State, the proposal concerned will be considered as having been validly adopted by the Health Assembly,” the Written Silence Procedure rules for the WHA stated.

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