Fauci Worried People Won’t Obey Mask Mandates


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Masks were ineffective. They forced us to cover half our face to appear in public for years. It had nothing to do with health and everything to do with being a mass social experiment to see how blindly the people would obey their laws. Anthony Fauci realizes that a second round of COVID restrictions will be much more difficult to manage as many have woken up to the fearmongering.

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“I am concerned that people will not abide by [masking] recommendations,” Fauci said. “We’re not talking about mandates or forcing anybody, but when you have a situation where the volume of cases in society gets to a reasonably high level, the vulnerable, the elderly, those with underlying conditions, are going to be more susceptible, if they do get infected, of getting severe disease leading to hospitalization. We know that. That’s a fact,” Fauci told reporters at CNN.

Let us recall that Fauci was spotted at a super-spreader event, a baseball game, without a mask. All of those pushing for mandates were spotted breaking those very laws. He knows this is all a show. CNN was not even willing to comply as the reporter read Fauci a study published by the New York Times that discusses how useless masks and mask mandates have been. They even asked Fauci about the inconsistent studies regarding masks and how they should have never been mandated in the first place.

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