Depopulation Fanatics Should Never Be Trusted with Government Power


by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

A message from Captain Obvious: political “elites” with depopulation agendas have no interest in saving lives.  Instead, they pursue policies that either outright kill people or shorten their lives and discourage them from reproducing.

Sometimes members of the global ruling class whisper this uncomfortable truth out loud, as John Kerry did this summer when he euphemistically described the world’s population as “unsustainable.”  Or as Prince Philip of the United Kingdom once admitted before his death: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”  Most of the time, however, the self-anointed globacracy speaks in coded language — dog whistles, if you will — by advocating for policies that purportedly deal with some “woke” issue but whose end effect is to spread infertility and death.


Defending abortion up to the moment of a baby’s birth (and sometimes after) isn’t about women’s rights — it’s about reducing the number of babies.  Rationing fuels necessary for heating homes and generating electricity isn’t about “saving the planet” — it’s about making it harder to survive on this planet.  Forbidding the use of fertilizers that help farmers feed a hungry world isn’t about fighting “climate change” — it’s about inducing famine.  Encouraging children to volunteer for castration isn’t about respecting their “authentic gender” — it’s about poisoning their family trees before those youngsters even reach puberty.  Forcing people to take experimental “vaccines” with dangerous side effects isn’t about “saving lives” — it’s about reducing lifespans.  These are the cold, hard facts.  And once a person accepts them for what they are, a natural question arises: why should the people of planet Earth sit back and do nothing while their “leaders” quietly orchestrate their slaughter?

Our entire situation is so absurd.  The feudal lords are running around killing babies, castrating children, starving serfs, and depriving the peasants of electricity.  A more rational generation would take one look around at these grim conditions and rightly conclude that the world’s reigning nobility must be overthrown posthaste.  Through the witchcraft of propaganda and indoctrination, however, our feudal lords have convinced a depressingly large number of “useful idiots” that their campaign of child mutilation, societal mayhem, and senseless murder is somehow “virtuous.”  How do you commit genocide without anyone calling you a monster?  You simply teach the victims that their murders are “politically correct,” and after a generation or two, the most malleable among us will be volunteering to help massacre themselves!

This is a dangerous game.  The only way a minuscule number of ruling families can dominate the planet is if the global population continues to believe that all these destructive policies are actually their idea.  As soon as that spell is broken and people wake up from their self-imposed slavery, then a season of pitchforks and pyres will end ruling class power forever.  It is absolutely imperative that the masses keep chanting about “climate change” and “transgenderism,” lest they break free from their chains and rid the world of their Machiavellian masters.

There’s a reason the Marxist globalists had been, until recently, slow-walking the peasants toward their new-world-order cages: they knew a great awakening among the populace would mean lights out for them.  Better to keep the people in the dark while they dig their own graves than to admit the “Great Reset” is real and start digging their own.

Something has changed, though.  Whether it was the result of COVID exuberance, a fear that Donald Trump has woken a sleeping American dragon, or the intoxicating effect of lockdowns and mandates, the ruling class cult isn’t hiding anymore.  Their message is clear: censorship and control are the future.  The ruling families will continue inventing new things to fear.  The global population will be expected to cower and obey.  The authoritarian cat is out of the bag, and the stakes are high for both masters and slaves.

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