DANGER: Conservative Media Is Starting to Self-Censor


by Athena Thorne, PJ Media:

In addition to writing for PJ Media, I also help out with editing duties behind the scenes. We PJ editors try to be as scrupulous as possible. We follow through authors’ links to make sure their info comes from reliable sources. We double-check anything that sounds off to us. We bounce articles back to writers for citations or edits of unsubstantiated claims or conclusions. We work hard to ensure the information PJ Media readers receive is accurate and useful.

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In addition to writing for PJ Media, I also help out with editing duties behind the scenes. We PJ editors try to be as scrupulous as possible. We follow through authors’ links to make sure their info comes from reliable sources. We double-check anything that sounds off to us. We bounce articles back to writers for citations or edits of unsubstantiated claims or conclusions. We work hard to ensure the information PJ Media readers receive is accurate and useful.

That’s what happens to us when we try to tell you about the things Big Left doesn’t want us to cover. We lose money and our articles get throttled. And as a result of all this pressure, our reporters are now struggling against the urge to self-censor.

I’ve caught myself doing it. I’ll be writing an article and I’ll say to myself, “Better not use that word — it’s a trigger word for the algorithms.” Sometimes I’ll think about writing a report on one of the forbidden topics, then I’ll think to myself, “What’s the point? It’ll get throttled by Facebook and no one will see it,” or “We’ll lose money on it,” and I’ll get discouraged from continuing.

PJ Media reporter Stacey Lennox, a seasoned medical professional, confesses to censoring herself on “everything I ever wrote on COVID until Paula [PJ Media’s managing editor] and I decided to put it all behind the paywall.” Before that, Stacey would sometimes decide to leave out important information, or not to write certain articles at all. “And I was right on all of it,” says the RN. “From sunlight to Vitamin D.”

Victoria Taft has experienced Big Tech interference across her many media outlets. “The guy I have helping me on the podcast often intentionally buries the lead on my pod explainer to be on YouTube,” she says. “But right out of the chute, we got a warning for my interview with an imprisoned J6er. And I stopped posting on LinkedIn for a while after they censored one of my posts — a PJ Media piece — for being ‘misinformation’.” She adds, “Thank God for VIP.”

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