from State Of The Nation:
The CDC Terminated V-SAFE Only
Because It Exposed How Many
Covid-Vaxxed Victims
Were Terminated
And Sickened
SOTN Editor’s Note: What else would anyone expect from the super criminals and malevolent corruptocrats who run and staff, respectively, the CDC? For those who do not have time to read the blog excerpt posted below, all you need to know is this:
According to an analysis by ICAN, as of September 2022, the 10.1 million V-SAFE users had completed over 151 million monthly health surveys using the platform (that’s about 15 each). Of the 10.1 million users, over one-third, 3.53 million people, reported being “adversely impacted” by their Covid vaccination.
Of those adversely impacted, 1.2 million folks reported being “unable to conduct normal activities”, which sounds bad, and 1.3 million said they had to miss school or work. About 800,000 actually needed medical treatment for their “adverse impact.”
The Covid Super Vaccination Agenda will go down in history as the most dangerous and deadly fake ‘vaccine’ program ever conducted; and, with the explicit purpose of committing a slow-motion genocide (although countless vaxxed have died quite soon after being jabbed).
What makes this highly organized depopulation scheme even more egregious is that the same perps are rolling out yet another untested ‘vaccine’ using the very same extremely hazardous and often lethal mRNA bio-technology. Such a brazen and reckless move to murder millions more via the patently poisonous injections can only mean that the NWO bioterrorists are desperate beyond comprehension.
State of the Nation
September 3, 2023
CDC worse than ever in 2 shameful stories
Coffee & Covid 2023
Even worse, you probably think you couldn’t possibly be surprised by anything the CDC does anymore, no matter how silly or bereft of human intelligence, or dumber than a Martian rock. Well, you’d better sit down. The Epoch Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “CDC Quietly Removes COVID Vaccine Adverse Events Collection From Website.”
There are two adverse event collections systems. The first and more well-known is VAERS, an “antiquated” system that Branch Covidians love to dismiss out of hand because it is a “self-reporting” system and “anybody” can enter a report (under penalty of perjury and federal criminal prosecution if false, with cases only published after review by FDA officials, but still).
The second, newer system is called V-SAFE. It requires vaccinees to register using their mobile devices and then complete periodic surveys about their ongoing health. It is a long-term safety monitoring system.
About 10 million Americans who got the covid jabs signed up for V-SAFE.
Yesterday, the CDC unceremoniously pulled the plug on V-SAFE for covid, abruptly announcing a retroactive data cut-off of June 30th. It did not explain its baffling decision to terminate the highly-celebrated, high-tech program. According to the announcement, the CDC had also stealthily cut off any new registrations back on May 19th.
Wrapping it up.
For context, and for a possible explanation for canceling the program, since CDC isn’t saying, here are some V-SAFE stats. According to an analysis by ICAN, as of September 2022, the 10.1 million users had completed over 151 million monthly health surveys using the platform (about 15 each). Of the 10.1 million users, over one-third, 3.53 million people, reported being “adversely impacted” by their vaccination.
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