CIA Offered Six Analysts Hush Money To Shut Them Up About COVID Lab Leak


from Great Game India:

According to the anonymous whistleblower who testified before the committee, the CIA offered six analysts hush money to shut them up about the COVID lab leak.

Six CIA analysts who came to the conclusion that Covid-19 originated from a lab in Wuhan, China were given hush money, according to allegations made to Congress by a “multi-decade, senior-level, current” CIA officer.


The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence sent letters to CIA Director William J. Burns and former CIA Chief Operating Officer Andrew Makridis informing them of the alleged payoff.

SSCP Chairman Brad Wenstrup and HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner describe the testimony of “a highly credible senior-level CIA officer” who said the CIA utilized a “significant monetary incentive” in an effort to invalidate Covid lab leak information examined by its investigators in their letter to Burns.

According to the anonymous whistleblower who testified before the committees, six of the seven CIA analysts tasked with determining Covid’s origins “believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low-confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.”

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