Cascade Of Warnings About ‘Disease X’: Priming Americans For The Next ‘Plandemic’, Which Looks Like Another Depopulation Bioweapon – Remember, Do Not Comply


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Doctors now admit they can no longer differentiate Covid from allergies or the common cold anymore, so one would be forgiven for questioning why masks were being mandated in hospitals, businesses and schools once again.

It is almost as if the mask and vaccine “tyrants” were just waiting a reason, any reason, to once again force students and/or workers to obey mandates just like last time.

They say power is addictive.


It was 11 years before Covid-19 that we had the last official pandemic, which was the Swine flu in 2009, and was over by 2010, but in looking at comparable pandemics death-wise, that would be the Spanish flu which began in 1918.

More than 100 years ago.

This is highlighted because in less than four years since Covid-19 was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, creating the the type of panic that devastated the U.S. economy, caused food shortages, toilet paper shortages, forced tens of millions of pounds of food and milk to be destroyed because of lockdowns, we are now being primed for the next “plan-demic.”

How are we being primed for it? The media, the CDC, the WHO, and a constant drum-beat of stories about the next pandemic, which the media claims “is already coming and it could kill millions more than Covid.”



The dire warnings with a reminder of death tolls of previous pandemics, along with the assertions that no one will be prepared, acting like the global population “could” be prepared for something that hasn’t even shown itself yet, is a telling sign.

Are they suggesting that the world could be prepared for something that has never been seen before? If so, that in and of itself tells us they know what is coming. Otherwise how could they possibly expect the global community to be ready?

An example of some of the hyperbolic “reporting” we are seeing with increasing frequency is as follows:

The next major pandemic is coming. It’s already on the horizon, and could be far worse — killing millions more people — than the last one.

We don’t yet know for certain what form it will take — just that its arrival, according to global health experts, is not just a possibility but a probability.

That’s horrific enough. Even more terrifying is the fact that Britain and the rest of the world have so far done very little to prepare for it.

To combat Disease X — as the World Health Organisation ominously calls it — we will once again need vaccines to be engineered and delivered in record time. But, as things stand, there is absolutely no guarantee that will happen.

Another way to look at their statements could be that they programming people to expect not only a pandemic, but preemptively causing enough fear so that the world population will obey the powers that be, social distance like good little soldiers, take your vaccines, and booster after booster, wear your masks, and be controlled like puppets.

More from that piece, upping the fear factor:

So far, scientists are aware of 25 virus families, each of them comprising hundreds or thousands of different viruses, any of which could evolve to cause a pandemic.

While scientists may be aware now, that doesn’t mean this type of things hasn’t been the same for hundreds of years, before science caught up.

Worse still, they estimate there could be more than one million undiscovered viruses which may be able to jump from one species to another, mutate dramatically and kill millions of human beings.

Really, can anyone that reads that not come to the conclusion that they are deliberately preparing us for 1) A virus/disease that can bring the boot of tyranny back down on all of our necks, and; 2) Priming us to expected tens of millions more deaths.

Depopulation anyone?

So if they know it is coming, and are telling us tens of millions will die, how can we not consider it a bioweapon they know is going to be released?

The only thing that piece isn’t programming us to know is the exact moment, month or year.

They are not warning us of the next “pandemic,” but rather the next “plan-demic.”

Next up, New York City, where the city and state leaders insist they do not have the money to support the tens of thousands illegal immigrants in the city, yet we see they are spending $28 million on “disease detectives,” in preparation for potential outbreaks including COVID-19 variants, monkey pox, ebola and polio.

The city awarded $28 million in two-year contracts to a pair of temp agencies, who will scour the country to provide 48 licensed laboratory technicians, clinicians and disease investigators to assist with detecting diseases and testing antibiotic resistance, among other services, according to a Health Department spokesman. 

New variants of COVID-19 are likely to emerge in the fall/winter, along with other infectious disease outbreaks such as polio and Ebola, causing extensive strain on personnel if temps are unable to be utilized to support NYC’s response activities,” the agency said in public notices.

Now this at least has a time-frame included naming the fall and winter, which would be just in time to shut down the country again for the 2024 election campaign season and primaries.


While we are seeing populations primed for another “plan-demic,” with dire warnings of massive death tolls, and such, we would like to remind readers what tyrannical state leaders did and will do again if given the chance.

There is no doubt that the media helped cause widespread panic during Covid -19, (something they are still doing) to the point where families wouldn’t invite other members to get-togethers if said member hadn’t chosen to be vaccinated with an experimental vaccine that hadn’t been tested for long term effects because it wasn’t around long enough to do such testing.

Panicked citizens from multiple countries wore some of the most bizarre “protective gear,” even to go shopping, as the woman in the full plastic body covering, shown above, did.

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