California Pays Nonprofit Encouraging Kids To Identify As ‘Foxgender,’ Teaching Schools To Hide It


by Luke Rosiak, Daily Wire:

Nine-year grant is intended to determine whether the programs group is already doing are effective

The state of California has awarded a nine-year grant to a group that encourages students to identify as a wide variety of bizarre genders, including “foxgender,” and teaches school districts how to hide it from parents.


The California Department of Public Health has awarded a total of $2.3 million to a nonprofit called Gender Spectrum for activities such as developing “concrete strategies for applying the lens of gender diversity to school practices,” according to an investigation from the watchdog group OpenTheBooks.

The grant is intended for Gender Spectrum to conduct a “rigorous evaluation” of whether its own programs work.

Among those programs is the development of a six-page form for students to submit school districts their pronouns and whether school staff needs to hide their use of those pronouns from their parents.

“It’s not always the case that caregivers are supportive of their child’s gender, their gender journey, in that case, if parents are not supportive or if the child is not out, that’s not necessarily someone who will be part of the gender support team,” said Director of Training Carla Pena at the group’s annual Gender Spectrum Family Conference last year.

Naomi Cruz, the group’s manager of family and educational programming, gave a presentation at the conference called “Intro to Neoidentities and Neopronouns.” The presentation said pronouns may “describe gender as a personal, aesthetic, synesthetic, or head-space oriented experience.” They include “noun genders” like “foxgender, moongender, and rockgender,” and even “emojiself pronouns,” such as “:)self.”

Cruz said “foxself” describes someone who identifies with “aspects of a fox, whether that’s their appearance, their personality, or how they’re viewed in society.”

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