Biden And His Terrorist ‘Enablers’ Pushing For World War 3 May Soon Get It With An America At War With God On A ‘Death Race To Extinction’ While Globalists Rush To Complete The Genocide


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

According to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin as he told the world in this September 7th tweet, the USA has just moved another step closer to World War 3 with the ‘biden crime cabal‘ just announcing a new security assistance package to demonstrate our unwavering support for Ukraine to the tune of over a billion US taxpayer dollars, this while the victims of the killer fires in Maui get a ‘whopping‘ $700 per household.


Proving to the American people beyond a shadow of a doubt where the globalist traitors to America’s priorities are, with the roughly $2 million bucks total being sent to the people of Maui a teeny tiny fraction of what we’re sending over to Ukraine, as Tomi Lahren points out in this story over at Fox News radio, to put that $700 number into perspective, you can steal $250 more than that, per day, in California and your offense will still be classified as a misdemeanor and treated like a parking ticket.

Also meaning that through the lifetime of this absolutely disastrous war, which the American people should NEVER EVER pay their hard-earned money to support, we’ve sent OVER $113 billion to Ukraine and counting, including about $20 billion to help Ukraine pay government employees, pay out pension obligations and operate hospitals, we’re given damning new proof that this government of war-criminal terrorists could care less about the American people as long as we’re giving them our tax money, all they care about is taking our lands, our food supply, our kids and our freedom.

With the biden crime cabal and his terrorist friends in the pentagon now treating the American people the way they’ve long treated foreign nations, using futuristic weapons upon us as we’ve seen in Maui and across the country, while unleashing bioweapons they’ve created on the American people and the entire planet as we’ve seen in this entire covid charade that’s being ‘re-birthed‘ just in time for the ‘enemies of the human race‘ in Washington DC to steal another election, as Steve Quayle warns Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, everything we’re now witnessing has been part of that ‘terrorist government‘s‘ ongoing war upon God, one that’s been going on for well over 50 years if not, much more likely as seen below, hundreds.

Seen hugely in America’s God-hating ‘history of being at war,‘ which was at 222 years out of 239 years as of 2017no wonder the terrorists in the pentagon and Washington DC hate President Donald Trump, with Trump putting an end to those God-forsaken wars, only for ‘terrorist-in-chief’ joe biden to steal the presidency and ensure America will continue to spread death and war around the planet for as long as they’re able.

And as ANP readers ‘Big Moe,’ ‘HANGTHEOWL‘ and ‘LtJ‘ pointed out in a series of comments on this new story by Susan Duclos“Playing GOD has and has always had severe consequences. History says so.” And ‘being at war with God’ as the globalists now are, thinking they know better than our own Creator and the Creator of All Things, means they’re in a race towards complete and utter disaster.

With the ‘HANGTHEOWL‘ comment in response to ‘Big Moe‘ tying in perfectly to that first video below featuring Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann being “Yeep…..but the people never learn from history… they allow the psychopaths among us to fool them into giving them the power to play God,” reader ‘LtJ‘ responded perfectly to both of them with “And those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it….Roman Empire compared to US Empire??? We are on the same road!”

Yes we are.

And with internal government corruption one of the keys influencing the Fall of Rome, with the last few centuries of the Roman Empire presided over by some of the most corrupt, weak and inept emperors in the history of Rome, those closing years of Rome were also marked by a number of civil wars, leading to massive inflation, widespread starvation, diseases and a staggering amount of ‘excess deaths.

Sound like anything we’ve been witnessing here in the ‘good ole USA‘ under joe biden and his terrorist, crime cabal that’s been ‘occupying‘ the White House, giving Barack Obama his third term?!!

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