Barack Obama: The Real-Life Manchurian Candidate?


by Jack Cashill, Front Page Mag:

Jamie Glazov’s new book on Obama delivers some startling – and disturbing – surprises.

Having written four books about Barack Obama, I read Jamie Glazov’s new book, “Barack Obama’s True Legacy,” not expecting any surprises. To my surprise, I was pleasantly surprised.

Glazov, the editor, assigned subject matter experts to review Obama’s policy decisions as president, with a focus on foreign policy. This strategy provides a depth of reporting not found in other assessments of the Obama presidency, my own included.

It’s unlikely that future Obama historians will know more about the Muslim Brotherhood than Robert Spencer, more about communism than Trevor Loudon, more about Benghazi than Clair Lopez, more about Israel than Daniel Greenfield or Dov Lipman, or more about Russia than J.R. Nyquist, just to name a few.


The opening chapter by John Drew sets the tone for what follows. Drew first met the future president when Obama was a student at Occidental College in Los Angeles.

The Obama Drew meets is a closeted homosexual and an uncloseted anti-colonialist and wannabe communist revolutionary. “There’s going to be a revolution,” Drew remembers Obama saying. “We need to be organized and grow the movement.”

The President Obama we meet in future chapters is more discreet, and yet his policies suggest that the young man Drew met never really changed his outlook about communism or revolutionary Islam.

I do the book an injustice by summarizing each chapter, so let me focus on the one chapter I found most intriguing, “Obama’s Russia Collusion” by J.R. Nyquist.

Nyquist begins with a question most Obama biographers have chosen to overlook – why were Obama’s mother and his presumed father taking a Russian class? This is the class at the University of Hawaii in which they reportedly first met.

The year was 1960. The Cold War was at its peak. The Soviet Union was our avowed enemy. The Kenyan Barack Obama was, as Nyquist points out, an African socialist; the mom, Ann Dunham, a cultural Marxist.

Both openly disdained capitalism and tolerated America only for the perks. “Perhaps they were learning Russian because their ideals aligned with those of the ‘socialist motherland’?” Nyquist asks.

Perhaps, too, Obama was groomed from the beginning to fulfill the pro-Soviet ambitions of his parents. If so, the choice of CPUSA member and possible KGB agent Frank Marshall Davis to be Obama’s mentor was part of the plan.

Nyquist analyzes President Obama’s seemingly schizophrenic Russia policy through the eyes of an Islam-friendly socialist who was possibly “the secret creature of the Russian communists.”

This admittedly sounds like the stuff of a Le Carré novel, but Nyquist relates a story that, if true, adds considerable credence to his theory.

In 2010, Nyquist recorded an interview with American physicist Tom Fife who lived and worked in Russia in the 1990s. As Fife told the story, he was at a party hosted during that decade by a Russian physicist and his wife, “an apparatchik of some sort within the Communist Party.”

The wife, who had been drinking, explained that America would soon have a black president who had been “groomed” to be just that.

“She said he had a white mother and he had a black African father,” Fife continued. “She thought that this was great because then he wouldn’t have any slave baggage to go along with it.”

According to Fife, the woman said his name was “Barack,” which was Arabic for blessing, and that “he’ll be a blessing for our world efforts; a blessing for world communism.”

The idea that Obama has been groomed by a communist-Islamist alliance is not as fanciful as it sounds. In 1979, Vernon Jarrett, a widely syndicated black columnist then with the Chicago Tribune, reported on a conversation he had with attorney Khalid Al-Mansour.

Jarrett, by the way, was the father-in-law of intimate Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. As a young reporter and fellow traveler in Chicago, Jarrett had as mentor Frank Marshall Davis. Small world.

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