Are You Suffering from Learned Helplessness?


by Peggy Ryan, American Thinker:

Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev once bragged, “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”  This plan to conquer us “without firing a shot” was put in effect, and Manchurian candidates took up positions in our government, media, education, and entertainment sectors.

To actually take down the most powerful nation on Earth, the enemy must first subdue the people, must tamp down resistance.  Thus, the insurgents have spent decades beating the American people into submission.  This abuse isn’t physical, but then abuse isnt limited to fists. Verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse can be even more debilitating than physical assaults.


Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior in which the perpetrator insultshumiliates, and generally instills fear in an individual in order to control them.

Insults/Humiliation: We’re cast as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, irredeemable (can’t be fixed) deplorables.”  We’re labeled white supremacists and terrorists by our own government, treated as the enemy by those assigned to protect us.

Fear: Bank runs, a looming financial disaster, a hyped up reportedly life-threatening pandemic, even nuclear war are all disasters either here or hovering on our horizon.  Plus we’re told the planet’s dying, and global warming and boiling is destroying the Earth.

So yes, we’re victims of abuse, and not by your everyday run-of-the-mill abusers.  We’re afflicted by a special breed of bully: narcissistic abusers.  A few traits these thugs share:

  • Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance.
  • Feel they deserve privileges and special treatment.
  • Believe they’re special, can only be understood by equally special people.
  • Are critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.

Since these narcissists believe they’re entitled to rule us, they flagrantly, repeatedly violate the Constitution to rob us of our freedom, to put us in our place.

  • letter signed by 50 ex–intelligence officials stated that Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake, Russian disinformation.  Too late, the letter was shown to be a lie after it had the desired effect on the 2020 election.
  • Special prosecutor Durham exposed the fact that Hillary Clinton engineered the Russia hoax — her idea, her baby.  Media did work hand in hand to push the hoax.
  • Censorship came to the U.S. when conservative voices were silenced, the truth sequestered.  Only the cabal’s foot soldiers were allowed a voice in the media we’d always trusted for facts.

The message is clear: we can’t win.  The enemy has infiltrated every part of our government, courts, education, corporations, and more.  They’re everywhere.  But this feeling that we’re hopelessly surrounded, that we can’t escape, is a debilitating effect of narcissistic abuse.

You feel engulfed by the relationship. One of the trademarks of narcissistic individuals is the way they hijack their victim’s world.

This overpowering, ever-present abuse can trigger a self-destructive condition in the people, learned helplessness, where the victim loses hope, stops trying to escape.

It’s like that TV show or movie where a wife or girlfriend is getting beaten up, and you’re yelling at the screen, “Get out!”  But then the victim gets patched up and carries on as if nothing ever happened, tells everyone she’s fine.  And you can’t understand why she stays, knowing it’s getting worse every time, every beating.  Knowing he might even kill her.

She doesn’t try to leave because every attempt to escape is thwarted.  She can’t run; he’ll find her.  She can’t fight back; he’ll punish her.  No use trying; she’s trapped.

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