Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’


by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

You can go to prison because of abortion: prison is the penalty imposed in some nations for those who stop in silent prayer in front of a clinic where children are killed. But you don’t go to jail if you kill an innocent creature.


You can be discriminated against because of abortion: discrimination is the social stigma placed on those who are concerned about the life of the child killed in the womb, which is considered “a clump of cells” until the moment before it is born, and for some murderers in our governments is still considered such even after being born.

They do not call it abortion: they call it “reproductive health,” “terminated pregnancy.” It is the obligation imposed by political correctness with its Orwellian Newspeak. And those who conceal this horrible crime against innocent lives behind an aseptic expression are also in favor of mutilating people – also pre-pubertal children – to make them look like what they are not by means of amputations and destructive treatments: they call it “gender transition.” Those who are in favor of abortion and the mutilation of children are also in favor of killing the sick, the elderly, the demented, the disabled and anyone, at any age that the State or the individual deems them unworthy of living: it is not called legalized murder, but rather “euthanasia,” “accompaniment on their journey.” During the psychopandemic farce, a Northern European country also invited the elderly not to burden the Health Service by sending them home a kit to help them “get out of the way” without disturbing anyone and ensuring them that the government would pay for their funeral. 

Death. Only death. Death before birth. Death during life. Death before dying naturally. Significantly, those who are in favor of the death of the innocent – of children, the sick, the elderly – are against the death penalty. A person may be found to be unworthy of living because they are poor, because they are old, because they are not wanted by those who conceived them; but if people are massacred or horrendous crimes are committed, the use of capital punishment against such criminals is considered barbaric. 

Curiously, in this frenetic incitement to suicide and murder, in this imposition of death on life, the exception is the elderly caste of the globalist elite, these powerful old billionaires who, barricaded in their fortresses guarded by armed guards, do not resign themselves to death, and resort to everything – even the most abominable means – to look young, to keep their bodies from decaying, to ensure “eternal life” in the cloud of transhumanism. The elite would also like to rule over life, old age, and illness. 

We should begin to understand that the theorists of this immense massacre, that has been perpetuated for decades and plunges us back into the barbarism of the worst paganism, do not consider themselves part of the extermination. None of them has been aborted; none of them was left to die without treatment; none of them was forced to die by court order. It is us, it is you and your children, your parents, your grandparents who must die, and it is you who must feel guilty because you are alive, because you exist and produce carbon dioxide. 

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