99% vs. 1%: The Real War & Epochal Conflict Raging Around The Globe


from State Of The Nation:

Humanity has a very, VERY, serious billionaire problem…..

The Premise
The current race of humanity has never had so many billionaires who, at the very same time, have access to the most powerful technologies and advanced sciences and corporate entities and destructive weapons in world history. Many of them possess ten of billions of dollars by which to employ those extraordinary resources for good or for ill.

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Because of this stark reality, these billionaires can use their money and power and influence to bring about truly cataclysmic events which profoundly affect the entire planetary civilization.  We’re talking about global manmade calamities such as 9/11, the stock market crashes of 2008, COVID-19 Plandemic, Covid Super Vaccination Agenda and the Ukraine War, to name just a few.

Billionaire Club

For example, billionaire asset managers and investment brokers can use their state-of-the-art supercomputers to conduct high-frequency trading to make billions more over night, which many do under the radar because they belong to the “Global Insider Trading Club”.

Does anyone think Warren Buffett, the so-called Oracle of Omaha, wasn’t set up by his hidden masters to be the celebrated investment guru that he has become.  The only reason why he was allowed to make his billions is because his concealed handlers showed him how and when to make his exceedingly profitable insider trades.  By the way, that’s also called insider trading ON A GRAND THEFT SCALE … so grand that no one ever suspects Berkshire Hathaway of committing such massive institutional thefts.

KEY POINT: “Warren Buffett has given $50.7 billion toward historic pledges to the Gates Foundation and other so-called philanthropic non-profits.” (See: https://apnews.com/article/warren-buffett-donations-gates-foundation-c2f6981e46c6211b16ada2704433d3c0)  Obviously, any wildly successful financier like Buffett only becomes that wealthy so that his stolen profits can be allocated exactly where his NWO overlords want them appropriated to as in the: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

So, for a moment consider the utter devastation that just one billionaire — super-geek Bill Gates — has wrought around the globe over the course of his entire adult life.  Then consider the overwhelming societal destruction that George Soros has perpetrated across the planet during his terribly malevolent career.

Next there is this short list of well-known billionaires who have each caused untold wreck and ruin in their various spheres of influence and business.

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