When Atrocity and Perversion Are Ignored by the State, Violence and Crime Will Become the Norm


by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

“A police state is a country run by criminals”

~ Robert Harris

There are so many important things to discuss, so many vital arguments to be made, that it is difficult to concentrate on any single issue without seeming to ignore critical elements of the big picture, which is the takeover of humanity at the hands of the ruling cabal and their pawns in government. The big picture should never be ignored or forgotten, as that is the most crucial aspect of the plot against us, but explaining the path to that final goal is also an essential factor in understanding the enemy that is the State. The concentration here is on the criminal behavior allowed to take place, the violent nature of it, and the normalizing of extreme felonious behavior that results due to the State’s purposeful stoking of civil unrest.

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We are currently living in a grotesque environment of absolute ignorance by the bulk of society so fantastic, that it leads to not only the expectation and embracing of  absurd conduct, but also to the full and total normalization of heinous and criminal behavior, violence, theft, gross immorality, and perversion. Sadly, this is no exaggeration. Obviously, there has always been crime, and most crime, and the most violent crime, has always been committed or sanctioned by the State itself.

During the past few years, the amount of openly allowed violent behavior has been allowed to rise to monstrous levels, but the theft, immorality, perversion, brutality and disorder, have escalated out of control over the same period. This extreme behavior was for some time happening simultaneously all around the country, and has been ongoing in some regards for years. It began in this cycle with the fake ‘covid’ lockdowns, as the group improperly called “Black Lives Matter,” (BLM) were allowed by this government and its so-called enforcers, to run amok, causing destruction of property, businesses, committing theft, burning, looting, violence, and in some cases death. The bogus claim of ‘racism’ was implemented to excuse this horrid behavior, thus allowing it to go on unchecked. Another criminal group call Antifa, followed the same pattern, and both are little more than terrorist groups. Add to this, especially in major cities, rampant homelessness, property destruction, mass business closures, and filth, and what were once beautiful cities are now little more than hell holes with entire sections remaining only as ghost towns.

To add insult to injury, bring in the depraved transgender nonsense, the promotion by government and media of the so-called ‘LBGTQ+’ crowd, under the ridiculous and idiotic moniker labeled ‘pride,’ and more disorder, perversion, and child abuse is the direct result. These groups are concentrating on infiltrating not only the evil mainstream media, but schools from elementary up through high school and college levels, and large numbers of parents, and I use that term loosely,  are allowing this to go on. Some of the boycotts have been useful against companies supporting this offensive behavior, but it has never stopped, and in fact has inundated most all media, communication systems, and sporting venues. While these groups make up no more than a minor fraction of one percent of the population, one would assume due to the vast exposure present, an intentional component structured by the State players of course, that it is the prevailing behavior of the majority of the population. It is not, but a majority of this population does now accept this madness as the norm. It consumes television, movies, advertising, and every form of media to such an extent, that one waking from a long-term coma, would think the whole world was now transgender, queer, and bisexual, and that all procreation had ended.

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