What we learned from the first round of Covid hysteria: Will you be fooled again?


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Globalist predators are banking on us having short memories but knowledge is power and we can shut down Covid hysteria 2.0 if we enact Operation Peaceful Non-Compliance

The brilliant constitutional attorney John Whitehead has argued that the U.S. Constitution has “effectively been terminated.”

Whitehead first made this observation in a column posted at his website on December 6, 2022. He said it again on July 31, 2023, in an interview with CBN News.

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The Constitution has been “terminated.” That’s a big statement from a man I trust, and it got me thinking. How did this happen?


What is the Constitution anyway? It’s a legal safeguard, a system of boundaries, meant to protect us against evil doers seeking to take over our society and dominate us. Yes, evil is always present but, at least in America, we had the Constitution and its vaunted Bill of Rights. It was our ultimate firebreak against the tyranny of men.

But after years of infiltration of our major institutions – schools, universities, churches, the media, government – and a couple of major crises in 9/11 and the Covid pandemic — the Constitution was subverted. Where they couldn’t get favorable court rulings, the globalists and their useful idiots (minions) found work-arounds, cleverly claiming they had extra-constitutional “emergency” powers. The legislative branch, Congress, sat back and allowed this evisceration to happen at the executive level.

And once the Constitution had been terminated, all of the other safeguards fell like dominoes.

As the establishment gears up for Covid hysteria 2.0, let’s not forget what we learned by living through the first version of this atrocity.

  • We learned that medical doctors were not the pristine, incorruptible saints up on a societal pedestal where we had placed them. That was a mirage. The medical doctors of today are effectively following orders and working for a paycheck. Their vaunted Hippocratic Oath? Terminated! In fact, of those who refused to violate that sacred oath to “do no harm,” most of them lost their jobs in 2021 when they boldly advised their patients and the world not to take the new generation of genetic vaccines. And the medical establishment is continuing to strip them of their hard-earned medical licenses.

These vaunted “medical professionals” charged with doing no harm denied men, women, and children life-saving organ transplants and other medical procedures if they were unvaccinated. As a result, many died. The Make a Wish Foundation even denied a dying child’s final wish, all because of the family’s unvaccinated status.

  • We learned that the Nuremburg Code was terminated. This was the international law that came out of World War II and guaranteed that we had the right to “informed consent” before taking any new or experimental medical treatment. It was established to prevent new Dr. Mengeles from experimenting on humans as if they were little more than lab mice. But again, if doctors and nurses did not agree to violate the Nuremburg Code, they risked losing their jobs.
  • We learned that the spiritual integrity of most of our church leaders was terminated. If we could trust anyone it would be our pastors and religious leaders, right? Wrong again. Folks like Franklin Graham, Pope Francis, Robert Jeffress, the Christian Broadcasting Network, and thousands of nameless faceless pastors all let us down. They closed houses of worship at a time when they were needed more than ever. They not only promoted the death shots, they mercilessly bashed those of us who tried to warn the world that this was all part of a depopulation agenda openly advocated by the same “experts” advocating the shots. To this day, I’m not aware that any of them have repented for their reckless comments and lack of discernment.
  • We thought that if all else failed the U.S. military would save us. The military brass proved itself to be not only corrupt, but the leader of the whole corrupt cabal that is destroying America and the world. They led Operation Warp Speed under Donald Trump and they are leading the permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response created in July by Joe Biden. The research that created the deadly bioweapons masquerading as “vaccines” was largely initiated through DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the secretive research arm of the U.S. military. Sorry to burst your bubble. That’s the truth.
  • We learned the university system is completely corrupt. All universities, including almost all Christian universities, followed the dictates of evil men like Dr. Anthony Fauci in lock step. This should not surprise us. Most of them rely on federal financial aid to keep their enrollment up and pay their professors, so they were not going to buck any of the orders coming down from Washington about mask and shot mandates. (If you still think masks work, read this.)

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