Were The Maui “Wildfires” Caused by Directed Energy Weapons?


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

The official Mockingbird narrative blamed strong Hurricane Dora winds for the the series of unprecedented wildfires.

As of this writing, the MSM are claiming at least 80 people have died, and around 1,700 buildings were destroyed.

Hawaii Democrat Governor Josh Green stated that this is the largest natural disaster in the state’s history, concluding:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

It does appear like a bomb and fire went off, if I may. And all of those buildings virtually are going to have to be rebuilt.

What if it was not a bomb that went off, but, rather, a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) was deployed to transform this tropical paradise into a future dystopian UN project?

The resort town of Lahaina was the most devastated, and offers the most important clues as to the true nature behind this devastation.

Here are the before and after images:

According to the below eyewitness account, she claimed that the weather system came from the East, which never occurs. She also went on to state that the damage was caused by DEW, and that many more had burned alive in the streets and in the water than is being reported:

What is being reported by the news is not true, and I lived it firsthand.

When reviewing footage of the damage, it does not resemble a natural disaster whatsoever. This is more akin to 9/11, and the way in which vehicles were scorched, yet papers and trees remained relatively undamaged. And who could ever forget when one of the “hijackers’” passports was miraculously discovered amongst the incinerated and dust-covered rubble in perfectly preserved condition?

In the below video you can see charred vehicles, yet nearby trees were relatively unscathed.

Aside from strangely arranged and blackened cars, boats far away from shore somehow also incurred identical damage. Highly improbable, to say the least.

While the thesis of this article may be considered high octane speculation, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that both DEW and geoengineering were utilized in this latest “wildfire” tragedy.

Government apparatchiks have been telegraphing the existence of DEW and weaponized geoengineering for many years:

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