WARNING! Get Off of Twitter X if You Value Your Privacy! Face Scan Logins and No More Blocking Being Implemented


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Back in December of 2022, I wrote that Twitter, after being purchased by Elon Musk, was inviting me back on to their platform with our Health Impact News account that we used for years, but that not only were we NOT going to reinstate our account on Twitter, but that we were deleting ALL of our accounts on Social Media, except for our video platforms that allow us to turn off comments. See:

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Health Impact News Quits All Social Media – Sorry Trolls!


Health Impact News received notice this week that our Twitter account has been reinstated.

However, we will not be logging into this account and using it, and in addition, we have now deleted our other social media accounts and will no longer post any articles on Social Media.

We will maintain our video accounts and Telegram channel, where we can turn off comments.

This ends over 2 decades of social media use for myself and my companies, as I started utilizing the Internet and Internet discussion groups back in 2000 and 2001, after we saw that the Internet survived Y2K.

In the early days, the Internet and social media groups were a tremendous asset to truth seekers, allowing us to bypass corporate media censorship and take our message directly to the people.

We were utilizing social media before Facebook and Twitter were even around, and even before Google was selling search result advertising through “pay-per-click” (PPC).

When Facebook became popular, we established our brand and spent a lot of money promoting our Facebook Page for my online business, and then also started a Facebook Page for Health Impact News when we started back in 2011.

Before Facebook banned us, we had 2 million followers we had collected over almost a decade. Facebook became the best place to advertise our products also, as we could tailor our ads to very specific people who met the profile of our consumers. They quickly became the best platform on the Internet for advertising, because people so willingly published information about themselves and their interests.

But what became a great tool for businesses advertising their products, also became a great tool for intelligence agencies like the CIA, FBI, and others. These social media giants became not only resources to surveil and track people, but also to influence what they think and believe by using fake users, which we called “trolls.”

At one point, it was estimated that over half the user accounts on Facebook were fake users, and Twitter also had a large percentage of these fake users which Elon Musk complained about before he bought it.

In 2014 I published an article commenting on an article written by Glenn Greenwald based on Edward Snowden’s leaked documents from the National Security Agency (NSA) which showed that British and American intelligence agencies were paying “trolls” to influence opinion online and destroy people’s reputations. (Read the full article.)

Ever since Elon Musk purchased Twitter, I have been warning people that Musk bought Twitter to develop an “everything app” similar to China’s WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and other digital information which can then be used to determine one’s “social credit score.”

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