VERY URGENT: The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children, a new study finds


by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

Yet another reason giving mRNA shots to kids looks like an increasingly bad choice

Kids who got Pfizer’s mRNA Covid jabs had a weakened immune response to other viruses and bacteria, Australian researchers reported in a study published last week.

The diminished response appeared within weeks after the second Pfizer dose, the authors found. Blood taken from the children produced fewer crucial signaling molecules when stimulated with several common potential bacteria and viruses.


Over time, the immune response to bacteria returned to normal. But the diminished response to viruses lasted at least six months, for as long as the researchers collected data. “Our study showed that, in children, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination decreases inflammatory cytokine responses,” the authors wrote.

Cytokines like interferon play a crucial role in the immune system, helping it attack viruses and other foreign invaders. (The first line of one widely cited paper on interferons explains they are “elicited on challenge to the host defense and are essential for mobilizing immune responses to pathogens.”)

The study was small, including only 29 children aged 6-11 at the first post-vaccination checkpoint and eight children at the six-month sample period. Further, the study’s short size and tiny number of participants meant the researchers could not correlate real-world clinical outcomes – such as increased severity of infections – with the diminished immune responses.

The peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Immunology published the paper. In keeping with other papers that have reported disturbing findings about the mRNAs, the study’s authors were careful to tiptoe around the potential impact of their data.

In their discussion, they wrote only that the findings show “the need for further research and consideration… given their broad public health implications.”

But several physicians who reviewed the study independently for Unreported Truths said they found it very troubling.

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