UN Report: World Religions Must Accept Sex Perverts


by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

An “independent expert” who toils for the United Nations has demanded that Christians reorder their teachings to accept and accommodate homosexuals, “transgenders,” pedophiles, and other freaks, weirdos, and perverts.

The demand came in a report to the UN from Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the “Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (UN IE SOGI).”

That mouthful of polysyllabic puffery is UN speak for “Head Groomer.”

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Aside from telling at least one big lie, Madrigal-Borloz expostulated at length about how tough perverts and groomers have it because of religious authorities, and that “states” must set straight religious figures. So religious freedom and rights for perverts are incompatible.

“Religious conservatives” — meaning traditional Christians — must change and toe the UN’s line. Or else.

Religion? It Doesn’t Mean Anything

Early in the report, Madrigal-Borloz delivered a whopper about the nature of religion.

“Within a human-rights framework, the term ‘religion’ does not describe a homogeneous, static entity,” he wrote:

Religious norm, tradition, and community are not part of a single institution, and religion describes a multitude of dynamic, contested, and evolving beliefs and values that inspire hope, guide action, imbue identity and help people make meaning of their life experiences.

The “expert” also explained that religions that don’t accept sex perversion are discriminating, and implicitly suggested that such “discrimination” is “violence.”

“The State obligation to adopt measures to eradicate such violence and discrimination continues nevertheless to face opposition,” he wrote. The UN must eliminate that opposition.

He’s quite disturbed that a “state’s human rights obligations must be calibrated against the dominant religious and belief or cultural orthodoxies in national contexts,” and that “the right to be free from discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity conflicts with national religious and belief sensibilities.”

As well:

Notions of “traditional values,” “public morals” and “national values” are commonly used in discourses that are hostile to the human rights of women, LGBT persons and religious and belief minorities, and often rely implicitly or explicitly on religious and belief norms and values, also linked with patriotism and patriarchal gender and family norms.

Another of his concerns is the “autonomy” that churches and religions enjoy, and protections against state interference with their beliefs and practices. That “principle” often ends in sex perverts “being excluded” from participating with normal people in normal activities. That’s bad for the perverts, who are “marginalized” and “stigmatized.”

Thus, “states have a duty to create ‘an enabling environment’ where dissenters, dissidents, progressive reformers and activists are protected against violence and harmful practices from the larger religious community, so that they can assert their agency and participate in religious discourse on an equal footing.”

In other words, the state should force churches to permit — and pastors to perform — homosexual “marriages.”

The UN is of course worried about sex perverts who are forced, or those who feel forced, to leave churches or faith communities, the author wrote. Because “alienation from organized religion” affects “the ability of the individual to seek happiness through spirituality.”

Disorganized religion is always available, but anyway, we must “shift narratives claiming that the exercise of freedom of religion or belief is incompatible with the equal enjoyment of human rights.”

Another thing the UN doesn’t like: states that permit religious exemptions to providing health care and services to sex perverts.

“United Nations human rights bodies have recognized conscientious objection in the limited context of military service,” the report observed, yet the “the Human Rights Committee has advised States to remove all barriers to effective access by women and girls to safe legal abortion caused as a result of conscientious objections by individual medical providers.”

But “states cannot permit conscience-based refusals of healthcare to infringe on the rights of patients, including the right to reproductive healthcare.” If they do, then those objections are limited to “individuals,” not “institutions.” That would include Catholic hospitals that refuse to murder the unborn or castrate young men who falsely believe they are the “wrong gender.”

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