Tucker Carlson slams ‘insane’ US gov’t leaders who stifle human flourishing in Hungary speech


by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

Tucker Carlson returned to Hungary on August 22 to deliver a message which will resonate far beyond his Hungarian audience: the devastating cost to humanity of the separation of mankind from nature – and from God.

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Carlson’s address showed how far the world “created by our leaders” has strayed from the normal, Christian nation in which he grew up:

His address in Budapest began with a reference to the shameful characterization of Hungary in the Western media as an authoritarian state, before apologizing for the “disgusting outrage” of U.S. diplomacy.

Hungary reminded him of the stable, sane, and happy nation of his childhood, which has been replaced by an ideology of “insanity.”

“It is so nice to be in this retrograde right-wing hellscape,” said a smiling Carlson – before saying that Hungary reminded him of America circa 1985.

“So if this qualifies as a dangerous, rogue right-wing country – I’m thinking the terms may have changed.”

The terms – as well as the diplomacy – have changed, says Carlson, because Hungary has not gone insane: “It’s a Christian country and they hate that. Nobody wants to say it, but it’s true.”

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