The Satanists Have Put Their ‘Death Machines’ Into Hyper Drive – As More Awaken To Their March Towards Oblivion And 2025 Grows Near, Expect They’ve Unleashed The Next Bioweapon


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Way back on March 17th of 2020, All News Pipeline published this story titled “‘Lock Step’: 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper Laid Out Ominous Scenario How A Pandemic Could Be Used To Lock Down Society With Alarming Implications For Our Post-Pandemic Future,” a story within which we referenced a mysterious ‘exercise‘ called ‘Event 201,’ and a story called a ‘crazy conspiracy theory‘ by TPTB who’ve been waging a very real war upon everybody going against their agenda ever since.


Warning within that 2020 story that a Rockefeller Foundation paper published in 2010 had shown the globalists who rule over the world how a pandemic could be used as an excuse to establish an authoritarian global government, with government’s using a ‘Lock Step‘ scenario across the planet including mass ‘shutdowns,‘ ‘social distancing‘ the release of virtually untested ‘vaxxes‘ and a ‘medical police state,’ we’re happy to report that finally, and ‘better late than never,’ US Senator Ron Johnson has just publicly said what we warned of long ago: that all was not what it seemed with the pandemic – and its tyrannical response. You can hear Senator Johnson’s remarks in the 1st video at the bottom of this story.

With Senator Johnson telling Maria Bartiromo of Fox News that Covid-19, and its response, were “preplanned by an elite group of people” who conducted “Event 201” – a joint exercise conducted by John Hopkins, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic ForumANP was ‘defunded‘ by google ads for reporting just that three years ago, our numerous stories about ‘Event 201‘, the ‘scamdemic‘ and the dangers of ‘Warp Speed vaxxes‘ called ‘dangerous, harmful and unreliable,’ but now we see they were right on the money, and three years ahead of one US politician and Fox News.

Also the reason why ANP is running an emergency fundraiser right now just in an attempt to keep ANP online and keep a roof over our heads with our income being slashed by over 80% since 2020, what has happened to ANP for reporting the truth is a perfect example of what happens to those who have gone against the globalists agenda since 2020, they’re defunded and de-banked and ‘de-licensed,‘ with the State Medical Board of Ohio (which you can contact to voice your opinions here) just suspending the medical license of a doctor who has rightfully criticized the COVID kill shots.

With the Ohio medical board also fining Dr. Sherri Tenpenny $3,000 because she allegedly refused she refused to go along with pushing bioweapons and enabling genocide as was reported in this Epoch Times story, why does the State Medical Board of Ohio approve of what have now been proven to be ‘bioweapons‘ being injected into the residents of Ohio? As we’d reported on ANP on Sunday, these death shots have already lead to more than 120,000 young Americans ‘dying suddenly as well as millions of people all around the world being killed? Where’s the outrage? And how many more Doctors all across the country will also lose their medical licenses for attempting to protect the health of their patients?

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