The Next Generation Is Being Groomed For Destruction – Here’s Why They Are Vulnerable


by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

The past week the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the US, issued guidance on the use of leftist activist symbols in public school classrooms. As part of their advice to teachers, they recommended violating district and state rules and hanging items such as pride flags and BLM flags. This is generally cited as a means to “start a conversation,” a way for teachers to circumvent school rules. They might not be able to spend each day spinning lessons on woke concepts, but if a child asks a question about the flags in the room, then they can provide “context.”


The NEA has been one of the primary driving forces behind the intrusion of woke ideology into the public school setting. Around 97% of their political fundraising goes towards Democrat candidates. They seem to be obsessed with the grooming of children into the leftist fold with lessons focused on Critical Race Theory, gender fluid propaganda and socialism. If you want to know where the sudden surge in social justice cultism came from in terms of America’s kids, leftist teachers and the NEA are to blame.

Keep in mind that the teachers unions are encouraging their members to break the law and lose their jobs, just to double down on political indoctrination. Contrary to popular belief, teachers do NOT have free speech rights while at work. Woke teachers might fantasize about being Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society fighting against the system, but the the truth is they ARE the system. There are numerous reasons why rules for teacher behavior are necessary.

Narcissistic teachers are parasites that view the classroom as a place where they are owed affirmation. They see the children in their class as a captive audience that they can feed off of to gain attention, admiration and justification. They look down on parents as inferiors and treat students as their own personal puppets for molding and controlling.

In their minds, the kids don’t belong to the parents, the kids belong to “society.” Progressive educators see themselves as the benevolent shepherds chosen by the collective to condition the minds of the next generation. Teaching academics is secondary – Manufacturing new leftist recruits is more important to them. This is the hill they have chosen to die on and they will not back away from it. They have made it clear that the targeting of children is their paramount concern.

To be sure, the woke cult is losing steam lately. Even the kids are starting to fight back against it, with the largest spike in conservatism among high school boys that the US has seen in a long time. They are getting fed up. But there is definitely good reasons why leftists are implementing psychological warfare against America’s youth. Lets examine what I feel are the top three…

Reason #1: Young People Are The Most Economically Vulnerable

The political left relies on exploitation of economic disparity in order to maintain power. The better the national financial situation is, the less leverage they have to keep the population in line. They rail against issues like “class inequality” all the time, but really, the greater the wealth gap the more power leftists often have.

Gen Z, for example, has been thoroughly sold since childhood on the idea that they were born into a time of historic economic despair that generations before them never had to deal with. Many of these kids are in their 20s and just exited college only to discover they have a useless degree in a field with low employment prospects, and on top of that they owe tens-of-thousands of dollars in student loans. They feel like they’ve been conned, and in a way they were.

They were fed a narrative which tells them that once you hit adulthood you’re entitled to a living wage and solid career prospects, and that a college degree is a golden ticket to prosperity. They think that they’re supposed to jump into home ownership quickly and that life simply adjusts to their needs. They think that this is how it was for Baby Boomers and Gen X, and that they’ve been handed the meager leftovers of a more prosperous era that previous generations squandered.

This is nonsense.

The fact is, young people from every generation are economically vulnerable simply because they have near-zero life experience and have had no time to accumulate savings and property. Most people in their 20s don’t jump right into a career and a home or even a livable wage. Every single generation had to deal with financial strife. Gen Z is not special.

But what about inflation? What about economic crisis? Yes, there are numerous fiscal threats prevailing over the past several years and stagflation is making life difficult for everyone, not just the young. These conditions are not unprecedented, though.

Baby Boomers and Gen X saw a decade long stagflationary crisis through the 70s and early 80s along with the Vietnam War. My own grandfather lost millions in his freight business due to exploding interest rates in the early 1980s. The Greatest Generation dealt with the Great Depression, WWI, WWII, and the Korean War. Young people today need to get a grip on reality and understand that they don’t know what true struggle is, at least not yet.

At bottom, some of us are born into times of uncertainty. Previous generations sought to rise to the challenge. Gen Z (and Millennials) are the first generations to suggest that they’re owed recompense for their discomfort. This isn’t an attempt to diminish their problems, just put those problems in historic perspective. Leftists use predatory tactics to lure the young in with claims that their lives are unfair – but the fact is, life is unfair and always will be.

You don’t go into the working world with no skills and no experience and a worthless college degree expecting to become an immediate success. You live paycheck to paycheck, grow as a person and eventually find your niche. If you are smart, resourceful, responsible and are willing to put in the effort you will find a way. If not, well, then you don’t deserve prosperity.

Reason #2: Young Adults Are Driven By Sex And Impulse, Not Accomplishment

I should specify that young people in the western world are sexually oriented more than accomplishment oriented. In many other societies the young are pushed to strive for personal success BEFORE pursuing relationships, marriage or sex. In the west, sex is purely recreational and IS the driving force for teens, twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings. Specifically, sex without consequences.

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