The Fight Against Medical Tyranny Must Start BEFORE the Lockdowns Are Rolled Out


by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

The first round of Pandemic Panic Theater caught us flatfooted. That cannot be the case as the next round ramps up.

There are two reasons I try to be extremely careful when calling for people to take action against rising tyranny. On one hand, we don’t want to give the powers-that-be too much credit; I’ve been accused of thinking they’re playing 4D chess when they’re really just playing checkers. On the other hand, we definitely don’t want to underestimate them and come into a fight flat-footed.


This is where discernment and prayerful reckoning must come into play. The tyranny du jour that’s rising around us is medical in nature as Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0 ramps up, just as many of us have been predicting for a while. The good news is we’re already seeing many patriots and skeptics ringing the alarm bells about the “election variants” of Covid-19 that are magically popping up ahead of 2024. The bad news is the vast majority of “normies” are getting gaslit by corporate media propaganda fearmongering.

Part of me thinks the powers-that-be must have something bigger cooked up. Are they going to simply rely on a rinse-and-repeat version of 2020 knowing the pushback will be much more fierce this time? Am I overestimating this “massive” pushback from the people? It’s easy to complain on social media but harder to apply when real lockdowns, mask mandates, and new “vaccines” and “boosters” hit the shelf.

I struggled with putting my thoughts together for this column because it seems we’re facing the overestimate-vs-underestimate conundrum. If we get as many people as possible prepared to ignore and protest the coming lockdowns, what happens if the calculus changes? For example, what if they roll out a variant that’s actually worthy of concern? Do we risk losing credibility and possibly costing lives by telling people to ignore the lockdowns, only to find out that they’ve unleashed an actual killer coronavirus?

Fear cannot drive us. I can second guess everything and paralyze myself thinking the adversaries are too smart, but that means inaction. Therefore, if I’m going to err then it’ll be on the side of freedom. Could they be planning something bigger than Covid-19 for us? Absolutely. But if we make plans to play it safe then we might as well sign over all of our rights immediately. Therefore, we must move forward with the working theory that they’re just going to try to play us for fools again with gaslighting and propaganda instead of unleashing an actual deadly disease.

In short, I’m not going to overthink it. Liars are going to lie so let’s move forward assuming Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0 will be nothing more than Kabuki.

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