The Beast Is Back: Georgia Institution Reinstates Covid Mask Mandate — Just for “14 Days”


by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

As late singer Charlie Daniels might’ve said, “The Devil went down to Georgia.” What, though, is he looking to steal?




Common sense?

Or, is it an election?


One commentator wonders about the latter with news that a Georgia institution, Morris Brown College in Atlanta, has just re-instituted a restrictive Covid-19 mask mandate. And here’s the kicker:

It’s “a precautionary move for the next 14 days,” reports WSB-TV. My, “14 days.” … Where have we heard that before?

Bethany Mandel, conservative author Seth Mandel’s wife, reminds us via a Tuesday tweet (below).

For a refresher, first we heard during peak-Covid-hysteria days that we had to lock down “for just two weeks” to “flatten the curve.”

Then that wasn’t enough.

So, next, it was “We can’t re-open until there are 14 (or 15) straight days of declining infections.”

That didn’t last, either, though.

Consequently, we thus heard that we “can’t get back to normal until we have a ‘vaccine.’”

But then, too, we heard, “Nay, nay, people are still getting sick because … because of the unvaccinated!” That was some time before the authorities admitted that that Covid shots don’t actually stop viral transmission or contraction.

Anyway, the above is what Dr. Anthony Fauci — the erstwhile St. Fauci — at one point during a rare honest moment called “moving the goalposts.”

But, don’t get confused, the aforementioned commentator, American Thinker’s Olivia Murray, assures us. It’s “not like last time where those ‘two weeks to slow the spread’ got a little out of hand and obliterated the economy, bankrupted millions of small businesses and families, and allowed Joe Biden’s ‘most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization’ to undermine a presidential election,” she writes; “this time, it’s ‘only fourteen days’ as a ‘precautionary’ measure, of course!”

As for the slight change in terminology, Murray cutely writes, “Seems like ‘fortnight’ instead of ‘14 days’ would have done a better job at throwing people off their scent.”

For sure. Just say with a clipped British accent, “We shall merely have to lock down for a fortnight, old chap.” No one today will know what you’re talking about — and hundreds of millions of young people worldwide will be giddy. They’ll think it’s a government-prescribed video-game bender.

As for Morris Brown College, with the resumption of classes there just last week, all students and staff will be required to don the face diapers. WSB-TV provides more detail, writing, “Officials say there have been no confirmed COVID-19 cases among its students, but they have received reports from other schools in the Atlanta University Center.”

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