The BBC’s Lies And Misinformation Epitomise NATO’s Decay


by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

First off, congratulations to all the participants in the Women’s World Cup for bringing such joy to so many. And a very special hat tip to the women of the Philippines for beating the Kiwis, one of the tournament’s favourites. And, of course, to the women of Vietnam, whose grandmothers and great grandmothers sacrificed so very much for them.

And, most especially, to the women of Morocco. Morocco? Prior to them getting a 6-0 drubbing by Germany, all the voyeurs of MI6’s BBC could ask them about was how many of their team members were lesbians and how many lesbians there were in Morocco. The look on the captain of the Morocco team said it all: who let these sex-obsessed BBC perverts into the press conference?


The BBC’s cigar munchers should, of course, be banned from any sporting tournaments involving women and children. And from much else besides. Here is the BBC’s Simon Jack, bursting with the entitlement that is the hallmark of BBC toadies, belatedly apologising for spreading mis-information “on Nigel Farage and his bank accounts [which] came from a trusted and senior source”. The source of the dis-information was Alison Rose, the CEO of the financial institution Farage banked with; this vile creature broke all banking confidentiality laws by telling Jack that, as Farage was not their sort, not into demanding to know how many lesbians there are in Morocco and how often those lesbians have sex with non-Moroccans, they would no longer accept his business. The BBC, you see, is simply the mouthpiece for those like Alison Rose who, despite their woke veneer and LGBT++ sheen, believe they were born to lord over the rest of us and to clap in irons anyone like Farage, who might have a contrary view.

When we turn to Syria and Russia, that bile oozes out of their every word. Whether we are talking about their drug-pushing smears, their chemical gas attack smears or even their fake climate alarm calls, the BBC tells lies, half lies and half truths, all to further the aims of swamp creatures like Alison Rose.

The BBC’s anti-Syrian lies and mis-information have helped land most Syrians into penury, from which the already damaged health of today’s half-starved Syrian children will suffer all their lives. The BBC peddle their climate mis-information solely to enrich King Jug Ears and other World Economic Forum sponsors, who want to benefit from depriving Syrian and Gazan children of basic foodstuffs. The BBC keeps quieter than a mouse on cotton on Iraq’s ongoing travails. The mighty Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the basins where all our great civilisations began, have both dried up and you can now walk from one side of these mighty rivers to the other without getting your ankles wet.

And the BBC? These are the savages who cheered on their RAF bombing the fabled city of Baghdad back to the Stone Age so that they could loot its treasures, just like they and their proxies did with Syria. Thieving, arrogance and thuggery in abundance.

Not that the BBC is alone. Here is The Economist bemoaning that Assad (read Syria) “one of the 21st century’s worst war criminals” has been accepted back into the Arab League. Because it has its head so far up the backside of MI6, The Economist, like the BBC and MI6’s other outlets, has never heard of the ongoing war crimes of Tony Blair, Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, von der Leyen and decrepit and depraved American mafia dons like Creepy Joe Biden across the Pond who control their every move.

Hold the front page. Kate Middleton is pregnant again. And Meghan Markle has another hive of bothersome bees in her bonnet. And the Barbie movie is so empowering. Yawn!

This NATO circus is running out of road on both sides of the Atlantic. It is incontestable now that the Biden, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi and McConnell organised crime families are far worse than any of New York’s five mafia families ever were. They set Ukraine afire to hide their serial criminality, which implicates their cronies in everything from bio-labs and child sex trafficking to human organ harvesting and arms smuggling to Mexico’s cocaine cartels. Whereas Bill Clinton had Sudanese medical facilities bombed to hide his sexual predations, the Bidens have brought NATO to the brink of world war against China and Russia, all because the Big Guy wanted to loot Ukraine and turn a blind eye to their allies harvesting Ukrainians’ organs.

Mis-information, NATO’s BBC mouth pieces, like so many Pavlovian dogs, invariably bark when the truth of their crimes emerges. Mis-information was why the FBI closed down the American Herald Tribune on the pathetic pretext that it was an Iranian Trojan horse undermining American democracy (sic). This same mis-information canard was also wheeled out to explain why serial war criminal Hilary Clinton lost the Presidential election to Donald Trump. Fake BBC news, as POTUS Trump correctly said.

And very incriminating news too, as the millions of Iraqi, Syrian, Ukrainian and Russian dead all attest. Though we could rail against these BBC enablers till the end of time, let’s get some overall context. so others who follow may more properly skewer them all.

And let’s start with our own Stephen Karganovic, who has valiantly fought the Serbian corner against some very mighty odds. Now, let’s leave the anti-Serbian war crimes of Trebinje, Dalmatia and Banat to one side. Let’s not dwell on the Shuckor and the Ustasha but simply say that the Serbs, of which Karganovic is one, have a beef and let’s further push our luck a bit and say that Karganovic writes well and knows his stuff.

The CIA’s Foreign Policy magazine and many others right back to the CIA files of the Vietnam War era will have none of that. They dismiss Karganovic as a Serb, funded by Serbs to propound Serbia’s case, which MI6 will haughtily tell us is mis-information as it does not have the imprimatur of the Clinton crew, who have the blood of countless tens of thousands of Serbs on their sticky-fingered hands.

Here is the fourth part in a highly recommended series deconstructing Marianna Spring, the BBC’s laughable mis-information and conspiracy theorist (sic) expert. Although part four deals with Stephen Hopwood, whose The Light publication disseminates some very unorthodox ideas I disagree profoundly with, Iaian Davis, the author of this series, must be commended for the forensic way he unpicks Spring’s thoroughly dishonest and unprofessional approach, which is the very same approach the BBC and all of NATO’s other outlets use when they set their sights on a target.

Next off, read The Propaganda Multiplier, which tells us how pivotal NATO’s three main news agencies are in setting the global news agenda. Using Syria as an example, he shows that there is no diversity of sources in the West’s media and, in Syria’s case at least, contrary voices are immediately dismissed as Russian propaganda, the sort that one might find in Russia Today, whose Arabic version remains the most watched TV outlet in the Arab-speaking world.

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