Rupert Murdoch and Fox News Implement the Strongest Corporate Broadcast Controls, All Intended to Control Debate Discussion


from The Conservative Treehouse:

The multinationals and corporate media conglomerates all have a vested stake in the outcome of the 2024 election.  The parent corporations are all aligned with the Wall Street globalist agenda. As a result, all of the broadcast and cable outlets have a singularity of focus to support the elimination of President Trump.

Yes, when you drill corporatism down to its least common denominator, it’s the money motive – every single time.


Fox News is hosting the GOP first-loser debate, and Fox News is worried about their scripted theatrics being destroyed by the new media apparatus that now dominates the discussion.  The old guard are trying to flex, trying to maintain control, but the insurgent rebellion is much stronger.  The corporate media are squeezing Jello tightly in a closed fist…


I’ve got two words for the Fox News Corporation, and they ain’t Merry Christmas!

Rebellion members need to double down hard and destroy these clowns.

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