Online Advertisers Using Government Funded ‘NewsGuard’ To Demonetize And Censor Conservative Independent News – We Finally Got An Advertiser To Admit It


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Early this morning readers may have noted that there was not a new article out at the usual time, and the reason for that was part of our mad dash to find an advertiser that actually brings in enough money to pay at least one of our bills by itself.

It was my fault, as my attempt to apply and “integrate” ANP with the top Google Adsense alternative, in hopes of making enough with that one service, to be able to remove at least two other ad services we are using now, I managed to get us locked out of our very own editing dashboard where we publish articles from.


Ooops? Lesson learned.

We applied to service after service, some accepted us and we are using them, and others, the real money-makers, the ones that would allow us to clean up the pages with less ads but more revenue generation, kept either ignoring our applications or sending a note saying “your site hasn’t been approved for Monetization.”

No one gave us a reason……until two days ago, when it became apparent that government censorship was at play. 

The ads were to be ads within images as to not mess with user experience with even more clutter. We had used this service before until the the ads just stopped showing, so when we decided to hunt advertisers, it seemed a no-brainer to go create new tags to replace the old ones.

They didn’t work, so we emailed telling them the codes were there, but the ads weren’t showing.

The answer we received was “Hi Susan, This site has been deactivated due to brand safety concerns. Apologies for the inconvenience here. Best, GG Support.”

My answer: “What brand safety concerns? Our readers do love our brand because we don’t toe the “official narrative” line, and we would like to write an article on what “brand safety” concerns you are manufacturing.”

I didn’t really expect a response to my snarky email, but the response I did get, shows the level of activity the U.S. government plays in censoring/demonetizing websites.

They use NewsGuard…..well that told us all we needed to know. NewsGuard is a government funded censorship website that targets conservative news for demonetization.

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