On the cowardice of American scientists


by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

Researchers everywhere are doing work that raises hard questions about the safety of mRNA Covid shots. Everywhere except the United States, that is. Why?

Why do mRNA Covid jabs cause myocarditis and autoimmune diseases?

What is the impact of the unusual immune system changes they provoke?

Do their risks increase with each dose, and if so, does offering them to anyone now make sense?

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Most of all, are the shots safe long-term?

None of these questions have quick answers. mRNA shots are hugely complex, and scientists have almost no long-term data on them. Before 2020 they were just another unproven biotechnology slowly moving through early-stage human trials.

But answers must be found. Over one billion people received the mRNAs, making them maybe the largest medical experiment ever. It is now clear the clinical trials from Pfizer and Moderna missed crucial risks and side effects, including menstrual disruption, myocarditis and other cardiovascular problems, and autoimmune crises.

Some scientists are trying to perform the crucial work that’s needed.

In only the last few weeks, researchers in SwitzerlandHong Kong, and Italy have published papers suggesting mRNA-caused myocarditis is more common and may hurt the heart for longer than previously known, while South Korean cardiologists reported almost two dozen fatal mRNA-caused myocarditis cases.

Only yesterday, immunologists in Hungary reported the mRNAs over time cause people to produce more of a type of antibody that does not destroy the coronavirus, building on findings last winter from German researchers.

Meanwhile, Japanese scientists have published many studies and case reports on potential autoimmune side effects of the mRNAs, including thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Seeing a trend?

The United States has used far more mRNA Covid jabs than any other country, giving roughly 650 million jabs to about 250 million Americans.

Since April 2021, when regulators began discouraging use of Johnson & Johnson’s jab, which used a different but somewhat less radical biotechnology and required only one shot, the mRNAs have essentially been the only Covid vaccine technology available to Americans. More than 95 percent of all Covid shots given in the United States have been mRNAs.

The United States has spent more on the mRNAs than any other country, of course. But it has also profited more from them. Pfizer and Moderna, which brought the mRNAs to market and have sold over $100 billion in jabs worldwide, are both American companies (Pfizer splits mRNA sales and profits equally with the German drugmaker BioNTech.)

(Team America! The handsome gentleman behind Uncle Joe is Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla. Besides having similar taste in suits and masks, both are defendants in Berenson v Biden.)


The American government played a crucial role in the development of both shots, especially Moderna’s, which the National Institutes of Health helped the company design.

The aid was so crucial that in February Moderna agreed to pay NIH $400 million for it. And the United States encouraged other countries to use them, including offering doses to China in December 2022, a gift the Chinese rejected.

If BioNTech’s key role in creating the mRNAs means they cannot be called an entirely American creation, they are close. American scientists, companies, and government officials shepherded their development.

Now the mRNAs have, to put it politely, missed their marks.

That failure can be measured in many ways, including cratering public demand despite a multi-year propaganda campaign and the unexplained rise in all-cause mortality across mRNA countries following last winter’s booster campaign.

Perhaps the most basic measure of their failure is this: the choice countries made in 2020 and 2021 was not between the mRNAs and no Covid vaccines. It was between the mRNAs and simpler vaccines based on older technology. Countries that used the old-style vaccines, including China, have had comparable or better outcomes to the mRNA nations – without any of the long-term risks.

But now that the winter 2021 promise of an mRNA miracle has vanished, American scientists and institutions have disappeared too. The lack of American research on papers examining problems with the jabs grows more glaring each week.

The gap is especially notable because the United States biomedical complex is the most powerful and best-funded in the world. Without its involvement, progress on understanding these issues will occur much more slowly.

Read More @ alexberenson.substack.com