On a Neurological Level, Can Liberals Adapt?


by Noel S. Williams, American Thinker:

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt and develop both structure and function in response to sensory experiences.

Liberals are lacking this capacity to form new neural connections partly because they have diseased brains; one manifestation, as the Wall Street Journal recently opined, is that their climate change obsession is a mental disorder.

Hardly illuminating, their neural transmitters are inhibited by intolerant insulators as they cocoon themselves in stultifying safe spaces.

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I’m often struck by the lackluster liberals’ laziness and lack of curiosity. Too often, the closed-minded blabber-mouths come across as brainwashed bots whose intelligence is indeed artificial.  Their presentations are wearisome, especially by those in these fields: academia, legacy media, labor unions, swampy bureaucracies, dehumanizing DIE resources, environmentalism, and psychology.   It’s evident they don’t function in a dynamic environment that elicits active neuroplasticity.  They aren’t malleable, but are imprisoned in their own brains even as they try to imprison President Trump on flimsy indictments.

Conservatives, by contrast, are more evolved.  It is appreciated that “youth is wasted on the young,” and eventually, they wise up, generally becoming more conservative concomitant with increased responsibilities.  As they evolve, gaining independence from the suffocating grip of academia and granny-state bureaucracies, they can finally thrive by learning useful skills.  In fact, exercising mental agility to contend with the contingencies of a stimulating environment may agitate the formation of new cells.  That’s a process known as neurogenesis, proponents of which describe it as a mechanim that excites new brain neuron formation.

Neuroplasticity is related, but not quite as magical.  Nevertheless, it is still illuminating as it encompasses the brain’s ability to form new pathways and dynamically assemble new neuronal networks in response to ever-changing environments.  But many liberals operate in intolerant, stultifying settings where pathways are blocked.  In liberal-dominated social sciences, for example, the “publish or perish” paradigm elicits untrustworthy methodologies that predispose an outcome favorable to social activism.   Rarely challenged with contrarian proposals, the purveyors wither mentally in intellectually incestuous incubators.   There is no false consensus bias – they really all do think alike, and there are few opportunities to adapt to new, or old, truths.

Examples of social science research that potentially block new neuron connections abound.  Here’s a very recent case of extreme academic negligence by a professor concocting dubious racial bias studies.  Not much neuroplasticity going on there; I’m afraid his synapses may have short-circuited.  At least in this case there were consequences (he was sacked), but many professors with “neuro-rigidity” are still tainting the ivory towers. As American philosopher Richard Rorty observed, “[t]ruth is what your contemporaries let you get away with saying.”  In liberal circles that’s called “truthiness.”

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