Of Course Young Patriots Are Rejecting Joining Our Failing Military


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

The generals and admirals are in a tizzy because the cannon fodder is refusing to sign on the line that is dotted. The generals and admirals blame those mostly traditional, conservative American kids for not wanting to join up, and this is the closest thing to right those admirals and generals have been for decades. The kids themselves have decided that they don’t want to join the current faux military. And why the hell would they?

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People join the military for mixed reasons, but there’s always some level of patriotism involved. Nobody takes the ration of crap that even a competent military delivers without, at least somewhere in their hearts, the desire to serve their country. So, let’s review the status of the country that the generals and admirals demand our young people risk their lives for. Will our young people be fighting for freedom? Will our young people be defending liberty? Will they be putting it all on the line for Our Democracy?

What a joke. There are consequences for squandering institutional trust for short-term advantage, and one of them is that no one will want to die for you.

We’re watching the chief political opponent of the current PINO – the president-in-name-only – get prosecuted by that same PINO’s Department of Justice (sic) for fake crimes and invented offenses. It’s all a lie and a scam. It’s obvious he’s being framed. And it’s obvious to those young people that they would be submitting themselves to being commanded by an alleged commander-in-chief who is trying to knock the guy who many polls have beating him out of the race by throwing him in jail on trumped-up charges. Incidentally, the victim of this weaponized DOJ is a guy who appeals to the sort of conservative people who tend to join the military. Yeah, I can see how they might not be eager to die for a country that tolerates these banana republic shenanigans.

Oh, and then they get to watch the son of the PINO get an amazing sweetheart deal of no jail time for not paying his taxes and carrying a gun around as a druggie, as well as a free pass apparently everything else he ever did. Many of those potential recruits have friends and family doing hard time for crimes that the Fortunate Son is getting a slap on his wrist for. Yah America!

At the same time, let’s look at who’s getting prosecuted besides our former president. One of the co-conspirators in this massive conspiracy to keep boxes of presidential papers, which are perfectly legal for him to have, is a veteran of the US Navy. Where is his diversion deal? Just kidding! The vet is being threatened with federal prison. He wasn’t a crackhead. He never waved a gun around. He was not doing business with the Commies and shady Ukrainian oligarchs. His laptop’s browser history was not like something you might expect to see on a Lincoln Project desktop. No, he just believes a lot of the same political stuff that the very guys who the generals and admirals want to enlist believe. And he’s going to federal prison while Methboy McStripperbanger is getting away scot-free – and remember that Hunter got booted out of the Navy after one day. So, there’s the respect and gratitude that our establishment holds for military service. Sign up and you too can get some of that respect and gratitude too!

Let’s look at the attitude of the military towards the people who they want to enlist. Many are white males who know which bathroom to use, but if you’re a white male who knows which bathroom to use, you’re an extremist and a racist and an enemy and you’re going to get passed over for promotions and assignments for people based not on anything that you did, and not because of merit, but purely because of your race, sex, and normality. “Come, join an organization that actively hates you!” is not much of a sales pitch.

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