More Vaccines Equal More Deaths


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • A peer-reviewed study published in 2011, using 2009 data, demonstrated that “among the most highly developed nations, those requiring the most vaccine doses for their infants tended to have the least favorable infant mortality rates”
  • Earlier this year, that study was replicated using 2019 data, still finding a robust negative correlation with vaccine doses. A second follow-up analysis also included mortality data on neonates and children under 5, using datasets from 2019 and 2021. All three categories — neonates, infants and under 5’s — have higher mortality rates the more vaccine doses they’re given


  • Other studies have shown that the timing of vaccine administration can impact the mortality risk. The gender of your child can also make him or her susceptible to injury and death, and the sequence in which they receive the vaccines can heighten or lessen the risk of death
  • A German study compared outcomes between people who got the COVID shot and those who didn’t. During 2021, symptomatic COVID-19 complaints were more frequent among the unjabbed, but during 2022, the ratios of COVID infection in the two groups narrowed until, finally, the jabbed group was 18% more likely to get COVID, and the COVID infections experienced by the jabbed group were more severe. The rate of severe persistent symptoms of COVID was also 2.5 times higher among the jabbed
  • The jabbed report being diagnosed with new chronic health problems at a rate 2.5 times higher than the unjabbed, and menstrual problems among women are four times more frequent in the jabbed group than the unjabbed group

Two new studies can now be added to the growing body of evidence showing that the “safe and effective” narrative you’ve been fed about vaccines is far from the truth, whether we’re talking about the COVID jabs or conventional childhood vaccinations.

Routine Childhood Vaccinations Increase Mortality Rates

The first, a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Cureus1 in late July 2023, found that vaccines given to children under the age of 5 in developed countries are associated with increased mortality. The more doses given, the higher the infant mortality.

This study is a follow-up of an investigation conducted in 2011,2 using 2009 data, which demonstrated that “among the most highly developed nations, those requiring the most vaccine doses for their infants tended to have the least favorable infant mortality rates.” Earlier this year, they replicated that study using 2019 data,3 still finding a robust negative correlation with vaccine doses.

Here, they expanded the analysis further to also include mortality data on neonates and children under 5, using datasets from 2019 and 2021. As it turns out, all three categories — neonates, infants and under 5’s — have higher mortality rates, the more vaccine doses they’re given. As reported by the authors:4

“Linear regression analyses of neonatal vaccine doses required by nations in our 2021 dataset yielded statistically significant positive correlations to rates of neonatal mortality (r = 0.34, p = .017), infant mortality (r = 0.46, p = .0008), and under age five mortality (r = 0.48, p = .0004). Similar results were reported using 2019 data.

Utilizing 2021 data, a post hoc Tukey-Kramer test indicated a statistically significant pairwise difference between the mean neonatal mortality rates, mean infant mortality rates, and mean under age five mortality rates of nations requiring zero vs. two neonatal vaccine doses.

There was a statistically significant difference of 1.28 deaths per 1,000 live births (p < .002) between the mean infant mortality rates among nations that did not give their neonates any vaccine doses and those that required two vaccine doses.

Using 2019 and 2021 data, 17 of 18 analyses (12 bivariate linear regressions and six ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer tests) achieved statistical significance and corroborated the findings reported in our original study of a positive association between the number of vaccine doses required by developed nations and their infant mortality rates …

Further investigations of the hypotheses generated by this study are recommended to confirm that current vaccination schedules are achieving their intended objectives.”

Studies Refute Idea That More Vaccines Mean Better Health

The paper goes on to cite studies that question the idea that we can vaccinate our way to better health and lower mortality. For example:

A 2012 scientific review5 in BMJ Open found that vaccines can have nonspecific effects that either increase or decrease mortality from infectious diseases that are not targeted by the vaccine.

There are also gender differences when it comes to how a given vaccine affects infant mortality, and the sequence in which vaccines are given can play a role as well. For example, nine studies found that infant girls were dying at higher rates than boys when the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine was given after a high-titer measles vaccine.

A 2017 EBioMedicine study6 found that all-cause infant mortality in Guinea-Bissau more than doubled after DTP and oral polio vaccines were introduced.

A 2018 study in the journal Vaccine also concluded that the sequence in which vaccines are given affects all-cause mortality.

Girls who received a live measles vaccine followed by a pentavalent vaccine (DTP + haemophilus influenza type B + hepatitis B) were significantly more likely to die from all causes within six months, compared with girls who received vaccines in the recommended (reverse) order (pentavalent first, then the live measles vaccine).

Catching up on missed pentavalent doses was also associated with higher mortality than simply skipping them. As noted by the authors, “It is assumed that providing missing vaccine doses will always leave the child better off than not providing them. This may be wrong.”

There are several take-homes from these studies. First, the more vaccines your child gets, the greater his or her risk of dying from any cause. Second, the timing of the vaccines can impact this risk.

Third, the gender of your child can make him or her susceptible to injury and death, and fourth, the sequence in which they receive the vaccines can also heighten or lessen the risk of death. That’s a lot of variables, yet our health authorities act as though one size fits all. The massive increase in vaccine doses on the childhood vaccination schedule also correlates with dramatic increases in noninfectious childhood diseases, including autism.7,8

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