Mentally Unstable Globalists Want To Control Your Brain


by Malcolm Out Loud, America Outloud:

If you listen to elite globalist media influencers, you might assume it’s no longer a man’s world but a world that now belongs to authoritarian capitalists. In their feeble brains, they conceive of how things ought to be on our planet and are determined to make us fall in line. Their madness derives from a primary delusion that they alone have the gift of intellectual and moral superiority. Taking this delusion of grandeur to its logical conclusion, they strive to peddle their control on us through global networks that force us to play their game, by their rules, with severe penalties for all those who refuse to follow their carefully spelled out regulations.


Enter the psychiatric and theological realms. This is nothing new. Lucifer himself thought he could take the place of God. Why shouldn’t some foolish moguls believe the same delusion? This easily explains their actions. Since false beliefs often come in clusters, these self-assigned nobility gods also believe they are powerful enough to control our brains as “hackable animals.” They fantasize that, owing to their higher intelligence, we will bow down and obey all their orders. Add to this their false notion that we are only useless eaters; they fully endorse outliers’ extermination, believing they are doing the world a favor.

Their supreme knowledge envisions a 90 percent attrition of the world population. Keep ten percent to serve them. It really doesn’t matter how the expendables are eliminated. Starve them. Work them to death. Sterilize them. Inject them with lethal new bioweapons. Create confusion, chaos, and violence to help them along. By all means, tell them it’s for their own good, and they will follow like sheep to the slaughterhouse.

But something is in the wind. Some people obviously believe such tactics shouldn’t be tried in a small town. Whatever the rebels lack in intelligence, they make up for stubborn independence. Some serfs have something to say about Bud Light’s advertising. The globalist maniacs are suddenly being slapped down. Sure, it’s just a swat here and there; but the momentum is building.

What the World Economic Forum and its World Federation of Advertisers don’t realize in all their purported genius is that human beings aren’t—and never will be—automatons. As created beings, we cannot be programmed like computers. We certainly can be influenced. But we also can push back. We can resist. We can even analyze situations, such as realizing that globalists may ardently crave power because they are intrinsically very weak creatures. Intellectually. Physically. Morally. And theologically. “The fool has said in his heart, ‘there is no God’” (Psalms 53:1). They have defined themselves.

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