by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

There is obviously something very wrong with the whole narrative of the fires in Maui, and no, I am not talking about the disgraceful and ridiculous performance of “president” Bai Den Dzhao during his visit to the besieged island. It’s the very fact that the island seems to be under some sort of siege, and getting any sort of reliable information through the lines is difficult.  And “president” Bai Den Dzhao has become the “uniparty” symbol for all time of the corrupt Mike Pencian response that America and its people are none of the deep state’s concern.


One of those concerns is what happened to all the missing children. Consider the following story, spotted and shared by V.T.:

Now my problem with this article, and I’m sure most readers here have spotted it, is what is said in the opening paragraph:

The Hawaii State Department of Education issued a report Thursday stating that 2,025 students are not accounted in the Lahaina public school system in the wake of the August 8 fire that ravaged the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui. The four schools, two elementary, one intermediary and one high school that comprised the Lahaina school district had a total of 3,001 students enrolled before the fire. The schools are closed due to damage from the fires, with one elementary school heavily damaged and not likely to re-open for some time. The other three suffered damage from high winds, debris and soot. The report does not mention whether–or even the likelihood–many of the missing children were killed in the fire.

For the past few days, we’ve heard the reports on the lamestream media – mostly television and radio – that the death toll from the fires is hovering somewhere around 1,000.

But now the State of Hawaii is informing us that the number of children enrolled in the Maui schools exceeds the amount of estimated total deaths by a multiple of 3.  Three thousand is not one thousand, obviously.

On top of this the state does not even how many of that figure might be due to deaths. In short, as is typical in a disaster of this nature, the death toll numbers are unfortunately not finalized and are unlikely to be so for some time. But still…  a multiple of three!?!?

I suspect, sadly, that most readers here already know that the emerging scenario will be: that the final death toll figures will still not account for all the missing people, including the missing children and adolescents, and that there will be talk of them for a while, until that story disappears from the news cycle, and with it, the missing people themselves.

So back to the article… we read a little further and discover that some of the initial number can be ascribed to re-enrollment in other schools:

The report states that as of August 21, out of the 3,001 students enrolled as of August 8, 538 have “re-enrolled in other public schools”; 438 have “enrolled in the State Distance Learning Program (SDLP), English and Hawaiian language immersion”; and says of the 2,025 not accounted for: “Remainder of students who have not re-enrolled in another public school or opted for distance learning (may have moved out of state, enrolled in private schools)”

Ahh… so it’s only approximately two times the death toll so far reported…  We learn later in this article what the news has reported elsewhere: many children were home alone, and were literally burned to death because of the lack of adequate warning and/or emergency preparation.

But there are thus still a lot of missing people to account for.

This point brings me to a sad high octane speculation. There are enough indicators that the Maui fires were terribly and conveniently coincidental to a focus on the island as a prospective “fifteen minute island” and other globalist projects and land-grabs. There’s enough of a pattern of similarity to the California fires of recent years – both as to modalities of ignition, anomalous post-disaster evidence, and land-grab disaster capitalism – to convince me of at least the prima facie case that the people in charge of our institutions in this country are entirely evil, and corrupt, and will do almost anything to retain their power and expand it, including sacrificing children, either in an abortion “clinic”, or a holocaust.  After all, to cite one of the members of the political leadership class, we, the people, are “not his concern.” There is, in short, not one sliver of light shining between Mike Pence and Bai Den Dzhao.  Their demeanor, their policy, and their “character” are indistinguishable and that closely joined. No light shines between them. Billions for a hopeless war in the Ukraine, and a one time grant of $700 for the survivors of the fires and their families. We are “not their concern”. Over 2,000 in monthly benefits if you’re an illegal alien, but only a one time grant of $700 for the survivors of Maui, and absolutely no empathy for the ranchers and farmers of southern Texas or New Mexico or Arizona. We are not their concern.

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