by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:
A scene from the 1981 movie My Dinner with Andre laid it all out for us, our future human condition under a coming beast system, in terms that everyone could understand.
In that movie one of the characters provides a chilling perspective on the world from his vantage point in 1981 and where he saw it going. As it turns out, we can say with confidence, 42 years later, that whoever wrote this script was spot on. It’s so accurate, in fact, that one has to wonder if the CIA fed this part of the script to Hollywood.
Take a look at the below 3-minute clip from My Dinner with Andre:
One of the best reposts I will ever make. The most profoundly truthful scenes in any movie ever made. This is from the early 80s. Just in time for 1984.
— Derek Broes (@WillingWitness) August 28, 2023
The scene above seems to be predicting a future technocracy in which the inhabitants have lost their inherent humanity. They are no longer humans but transhumans, a form of hybrid beings who, through technology, can be conditioned to think and act in whatever way their programmers, a small group of globalist elites, demand.
The character’s monologue in the above video clip reminded me of Aldous Huxley’s 1931 comment about “The perfect dictatorship” and how it would have the “appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls,” a slave-state within whose walls the slaves — kept entertained, dumbed down, and drugged up — would not think of escaping. They trust their government, and all authority figures, implicitly. Anyone who does question the official narrative is seen as too scary and troublesome. They must be isolated and removed before their uncomfortable questions start to spread to others and disrupt the carefully cultivated hive mind.
Are you a candidate for humanity 2.0’s new breed of transhumans? If you answer yes to more than two or three of the following questions, you may want to fill out an application and submit it to Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum.
- Are you extra careful to “stand on the X”? You know, that sticker on the floor of your favorite big-box store that was allowed to stay open during the last lockdown?
- Do you strap up on command with your toxic cancer-causing material, forcing you to breathe in your own noxious carbon dioxide?
- Do you roll up your sleeve for a doctor-recommended, media-recommended injection at various intervals during the year?
- Do you believe a college education is still necessary to “get ahead in life?”
- Do you take every drug your doctor prescribes without questioning the side effects and performing your own independent research?
- Would you ever consider leasing a plug-in electric car as your primary mode of transportation?
- Do you believe cash is “dirty” or “germy” or “inconvenient,” something to be avoided whenever possible?
- Do you consider foreign travel an essential component of a happy lifestyle?
- Do you need to live in a city to be happy?
- Do you believe eating meat is dangerous to the environment?
- Would you rather shop, worship, and pursue friendships online rather than in person?
- Do you consider roadblocks, tracking devices, digital ID checks, surveillance cameras and facial recognition a normal, even beneficial aspect of modern society?
If you answered yes to more than three of the above questions you may need to ask yourself another question: Could I own nothing and learn to like it if all my needs were taken care of by technology?
These are the folks who will cooperate with their own pre-planned demise. They will board the busses and the trains, never questioning the stated destination.
They will not prepare for hard times. Why bother, they say, the government will have our backs if it ever gets as bad as you “doom and gloomers” predict.