by Patty McMurray, The Gateway Pundit:
On August 8, the Gateway Pundit revealed a major fraudulent voter registration operation that had been under investigation for almost 3 years in Michigan that spanned several cities across the state. Although the investigation was involved lead investigators working for Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and at least one analyst working for Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the true depth of the investigation and the shocking details uncovered by the MI State Police and Muskegon Police Department were hidden from the public. Publications like The Detroit News downplayed the investigation and wrote an article to debunk a MI STATE POLICE REPORT titled, Michigan probe into fraudulent voter registrations referred to FBI, suggesting that the Gateway Pundit was a conspiracy site for daring to report on the details found in the MI State Police report we obtained exclusivley from Phil O’Halloran of MI-District 9 and Director of Election Integrity for the MI GOP.
Detroit News (Democratic Party spokesperson who identifies as a journalist) Craig Mauger, published what looked more like a press release by AG Dana Nessel’s office than a serious report on what many are saying is evidence of the biggest, multi-state voter fraud ring since he 2020 election. Mauger and MI AG Dana Nessel’s Press Secretary Danny Wimmer co-wrote the response to the Gateway Pundit’s bombshell article:
“The city clerk in Muskegon detected the fraudulent material provided and alerted the proper authorities,” Wimmer said in a statement. “A thorough investigation was conducted by multiple agencies within the state and no successful fraud was perpetrated upon the state’s election process or qualified voter file.”
The unresolved probe, which first became public in October 2020, has garnered new attention among conservative-leaning websites in recent days after the Gateway Pundit highlighted police reports about investigators’ efforts. The conservative website, which has advanced false and unproven theories in the past about voter fraud influencing Democrat Joe Biden’s victory, wrote in its headline for the story, “Now we have proof.”On Friday, FBI Special Agent Mara Schneider declined to comment on the election investigation. Wimmer didn’t immediately respond to a question about when the referral was made to federal authorities.
Had Craig Mauger bothered to read the MI State Police report that the Gateway Pundit shared in their report, he wouldn’t have had to ask AG Nessel’s spokesperson about when the FBI took over the investigation, it’ all in the report. The FBI took over the investigation in May 2021.
Mauger writes:
But Wimmer said state officials decided to refer the matter to the FBI because of its national jurisdiction.
The investigation was turned over to the FBI allegedly because the investigation into the acitivies by GBI Strategies expanded into multiple states beyond the corrupt state of Michigan.
“Detected in this search were pay cards, pre-pay style cell phones and voter registration forms, all determined to be normal operational devices in GBI Strategies’ line of work,” Wimmer said. “Also found during the search were several firearms, which prompted a response from federal agents of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.
“Several firearms?” Apparently, Craig Mauger and AG Nessel missed the part in the MI State Police report that identifies silencers on the semi-automatic rifles. Are the guns with silencers also “all determined to be normal operational devices in GBI Strategies’ line of work”?
The MI State Police report clearly states that they believe the cache of guns found in the “voter registration room” filled with pre-paid cards, a non-traceable form of payment, along with burner phones and ipads with the same “universal password” according to a suspect in the Muskegon Police report we have now obtained via a FOIA request by MI GOP Election Integrity Investigator Braden Giacobazzi. According to the suspect interviewed at length in the Muskegon Police report, the iPads used by GBI Strategies workers stores the workers identitifaction information and can be accessed by anyone at anytime.
Police officers found guns, silencers, pre-paid cash cards, and burner phones in the GBI Strategies office. On one of the whiteboards found in the room with the guns, was a list of categories. One of the categories was “Hot Topics” and under the “Hot Topics” category, it read: “weapons in the field, prepared for shifts.”

A box was found inside the room with the semi-automatic rifles with silencers in Southfield, MI, that was used by GBI Strategies. Inside the box, were t-shirts with an outline of the state of Michigan. The t-shirts read: “Empower Michigan.”
The bombshell Muskegon Police report that we obtained exclusively via a FOIA request by Braden Giacobazzi of the MI GOP Election Integrity Division, corroborates much of the shocking details found in the MI State Police report.
We’ve included a redacted portion of the Muskegon Police report where Muskegon Police Investigator Luker questioned a suspect who was hired by GBI Strategies while living in Atlanta, GA. According to the statement she made during her interview with Detective Luker, the female suspect found the job listing through the online job search site, “Indeed.” When GBI Strategies hired her, they gave her 4 hours to pack her belongings and move to Michigan, where she was assigned to an “Empower Michigan” project in Flint, MI.
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