Document stash reveals FBI’s scheming to target Christians


from WND:

‘And the evidence now shows the investigation was a coast-to-coast endeavor’

The FBI’s attempt to redefine traditional Catholics who remain dedicated to their faith as potential domestic terrorists long has been known.

In fact, just days ago WND reported that the facts show that such a scheme, proposed in a letter from one FBI office, actually was developed and supported by many offices.


It turns out that multiple offices in Richmond, Virginia, Los Angeles and Portland all worked on that plan.

The FBI had identified “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” who attend parishes that offer the Latin Mass as being “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists.”

But the conspiracy apparently was much bigger even than that.

A new report from the American Center for Law and Justice documents that the FBI, in response to a federal lawsuit, has admitted the existence of a trove of documents “labeling Christians as ‘radical traditionalists’ and ‘potential terrorists,'” with documented plans for “planting undercover FBI agents inside churches.”

The ACLJ said it went to court after evidence of the FBI’s targeting of members of the Christian faith became evidenct It demanded information about the “blatant religious discrimination of conservative Christians.”

“As a result, the FBI has just informed the court that it has already found over 1,200 pages of documents related to our FOIA and the targeting of Christians and pro-lifers, and it’s still searching for more,” the legal organization said.

It had requested documents from the FBI “related to pro-life people, Christianity, Catholics, or the memo regarding the targeting of ‘radical traditionalist’ Christians, for any discussions about the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision (which our Whistleblower client testified they were targeting pro-lifers after Dobbs), and one question about the standards used to create the outrageous memo.”

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