“COVID’s over”? Not as long as Dr. Death has anything to say about it…


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

The Devil’s favorite doctor is now popping up again, to help roll out “Pandemic 2” (in hopes of getting millions “vaccinated” even MORE, while forcing “vaccination” on the rest of us)

He’s back to tell us that “we are not done with COVID”—as “we know,” he says, because of the (imaginary) number of “new cases” breaking out worldwide.

(While his say-so will undoubtedly convince all those who are still stupefied by fear, what we know is that all those “new COVID cases” are, in fact, not COVID cases, but the countless deaths and disabilities caused by the COVID vaccination drive.)

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Dr Fauci says that lockdowns were “absolutely justified”—and, moreover, should be used again to force universal “vaccination”:

The Dossier
Fauci declares lockdowns were ‘absolutely justified’ and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations
Recently retired government bureaucrat Anthony Fauci just appeared at a university virtual event titled, “Pandemic Lessons and Role of Faculty in Pandemic Preparedness with Dr. Anthony Fauci.” During the conversation, Fauci, who is now affiliated with Georgetown University, made it clear that he still supports locking down society in the name of a virus…
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WHO sees urgent need for global “vaccination” drive(s) against diseases caused by “climate change”:

(Click on this link, not on the screenshot below it:)


Read More @ markcrispinmiller.substack.com