California Crime Sprees


by David Haggith, Gold Seek:

California cities are so saturated with crime, they are losing their largest and oldest retailers, while Midwest small towns are losing their entire police forces. At least, one is, which is in the middle of Don’t-Fund-Me Minnesota, which believed it could have safer cities if it defunded police forces. So, the entire police department in one Minnesota town just up and quit. All gone once the chief’s two-week notice is up.


The town, Goodhue, says it is surprised. They just offered the force a whopping 5% raise to keep the officers on, and the officers had the gall to reject their obvious generosity. Problem is Goodhue is not so good; they are greedy, tight-fisted little town council bastards who have under-funded for so long that their town would have to raise its pay 40% just to match up to its neighbors!

The town, it turns out, offers a whopping $22 per hour. Neighboring towns pay $30. When you consider that, with minimum wage laws, you can make $15 an hour just flipping burgers at McD’s, who is going to put their life on the line for a bunch of people who hate your guts when you do what it takes to enforce the law? The town is shocked because it lives in denial of reality.

These little Minnesota towns are not so lovely as they like to think they are. Better not any cop shoot someone who is trying to wrestle the gun out of his hand. A good cop is supposed to wait, according to liberals, until the criminal first takes a shot at him so he can prove he had to kill the criminal in self-defense. How else will you know it was necessary? The fact that he was fighting with you certainly has not been enough in many cases.

For example, it is not enough in liberal-run towns today that someone is walking away from a convenience store that just called in an armed robbery and he then dives into an officer’s squad-car window and tries to wrestle the gun out his holster. The officer knocks him aside with the car door, and the young crook runs but then turns and runs back at the officer. The officer was expected to wait until the nice lad, as he was described by all who knew him, actually got close enough to where one last leap would be able to shove the officer to the ground.

So, it is not surprising that Goodhue thinks its cops should be happy to put themselves in harm’s way for 22 bucks an hours. They are shocked that their generosity was so easily disregarded.

Goodhue is the latest small Minnesota community that’s struggling to keep up with law enforcement demands amid increasing budget costs and an ongoing shortage of officers.

Last year, the police department in Morris was disbanded after a turbulent few months during which the department eroded to just the chief and one other officer.

What a surprise that Defund-Me Minnesota is experiencing a shortage of police officers. Surely, no one could see that coming. You’d think a lot more people would want to enter this largely hated and underpaid profession. Wouldn’t you? Minnesota does!

The Golden State is going broke because it broken

The problems are, of course, much worse in the liberated state of California, which imports law-breakers from across the southern border to its cities of refuge. That is the raw truth of it because, if you are an illegal alien, you are by definition someone willing to break the laws of the land. In fact, you are someone who is in a state of actively breaking the laws of the land.

That state would be California — where they do not have enough people but also do not have enough water, so they are doing their best to import more of both because they are smart like that. They could, of course, just sensibly say, “This is all the water our state has, and we are not reaching beyond our boundaries to bring in more, so we’re full now.” They should have said that fifty years ago, but growth forever and expansion of human misery forever is their benign agenda. They, of course, do not see that because they live in denial.

So, the news this morning from California is riddled with flash mobs busting into major stores with no concern whatsoever about the law. In fact, they casually stop and pick up things that fall out of their thieving garbage bags as they are walking away. Then again, why would you expect illegal people to be concerned about the law? The more appropriate question would be why would you expect a state that seeks to enable people to be illegal by sheltering those who break federal laws to be concerned about rule of law?

In one story, we read about a flash mob invading Nordstrom in L.A. in “overwhelming numbers with brute force.” Thirty masked robbers ransacked the top brands of purses, clothing and jewelry.

Of course, California has become one of those many places in the US that now regularly chains up all their merchandise to prevent thievery, which has become so prevalent, and to create a welcoming shopping environment:

The sound of glass display cases thrown to the ground sounded like gunshots, said a Nordstrom employee who had a clear line of sight of the robbery. She told customers to run to a back room in case the robbery turned violent.

The thieves snatched designer items, undeterred by the chains and cables binding the wares. Shelving was yanked apart. Some dragged display cabinets still attached to high-priced accessories toward the store doors.

What do you know? The thieves had no respect for the chains and cables because locks only keep the good people honest. It is sort of like when you ban guns in a state like California: It never occurs to the liberal politicians that the people who kill people with guns are not going to turn in their guns. Only the honest people will. So, all you do is disarm the generally harmless ones and keep the heavily armed thieves thoroughly equipped. However, these guys proved you don’t even need guns; just numbers.

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