Archbishop Viganò: World Youth Day has confirmed Bergoglio’s plan to provoke a schism


by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:


Part three: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Aldo Maria Valli

Valli: Your Excellency, we often say motus in fine velocior – “movement is faster towards the end” – about Francis attitude aimed at liquefying what little remains of Catholic doctrine and espousing the thought of the world. The most recent news confirms this, including yet another one of his interviews. What is your assessment? 

ViganòWorld Youth Day, celebrated this year in Lisbon, Portugal, has confirmed the acceleration of Bergoglios plan to provoke a schism: his latest appointments, which are provocative to say the least; the statements of the newly-appointed Cardinals, all of which confirm the Bergoglian revolution”; the presence of James Martin to propagandize the acceptance of LGBTQ ideology by young people; Bergoglios recent statement to a transgender personGod loves us as we are; go ahead” (here). The only thing missing was an interview in which the Argentine confessed” to an editorial staff of genuflecting and cheering journalists to complete the picture (here).  

The adoring tone of the interview is beyond embarrassing, which, for someone who claims to detest hypocrisy and servility, would sound tragic if it were not so grotesque. The cloying obsequiousness of the journalists went so far as to say that Bergoglio is like a country priest accustomed to treating everyone equally, or a woman who from dawn to dusk goes out of her way to support her family. The abject lyricism of Vida Nueva, however, has the drawback of exposing the false spontaneity of the interviewees words, which were in fact carefully dropped like time bombs waiting to detonate 

Valli: From the interview it appears that Bergoglio expected everything but to become pope. But the story says something very different

ViganòI am amazed by Bergoglios literary gifts. The evocative re-enactment of how surprised he felt at the election does not reconcile with what we now know happened at the 2013 Conclave, which has also been confided by a Cardinalelector who is unable to reveal it publicly. And in presenting himself as a speculum totius humilitatis – a mirror of all humility – he speaks of himself as a victim of the Holy Spirit and Providence, as if to attribute the misfortune of this pontificate to God Himself and not to the maneuvers of both the deep church, through the Mafia of St. Gallen, and the deep state, through the emails of John Podesta and Hillary Clinton. 

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