‘You’re Horrible’: California Assembly Blocks Bill Making Trafficking Of Minors A Serious Felony


by Hank Berrien, Daily Wire:

This week, the California Assembly’s Public Safety Committee blocked a bill that would have made human trafficking of a minor a serious felony.

The bill, HB 14, noted that “California consistently ranks number one in the nation in the number of human trafficking cases reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline,” and “Human trafficking is among the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprises and is estimated to be a $150,000,000,000 a year global industry.” The bill would have made human trafficking of a minor subject to California’s Three Strikes Law, and thus someone convicted twice could be sentenced to life in prison.

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The bill had already passed unanimously in the State Senate, but not even one of the six Democrats on the committee would vote on the bill; the only yes votes were cast by two Republicans, Assemblymen Juan Alanis and Tom Lackey.

The Assembly Public Safety Committee Chairman, Los Angeles Democrat Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, opposed the bill. GOP state Sen. Shannon Grove, who co-authored the bill, said she had spoken with Democrats on the committee prior to the hearing. “They all thought it was a good bill and said they would consider it, but there is this issue of rolling the chair, so I don’t think anyone was going to stand up against the chair,” she said.

“You’re horrible!” and “You should be ashamed of yourselves!” yelled members of the audience at the meeting while victims of human trafficking broke down in tears.

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