We’ve got ’em—DEAD TO RIGHTS…..


from State Of The Nation:

…and the only way they can all avoid being hanged

is to blow the whole place up (which is exactly why they triggered the Ukraine
War when they did).

SOTN Editor’s Note: Make no mistake, the well concealed perpetrators of the biowar against humanity known as the COVID-19 Plandemic knew exactly what they were doing.  The Khazarian Cabal was well aware that theirs was the most brazen, reckless and transparent genocide carried out against all of humanity in human history.  And, the hard evidence and irrefutable proof of this Covid Capital Crime Spree presented below confirms this stark reality.  Which means that the perps know that it’s utterly impossible to keep this ongoing global crime wave covered up with any degree of success.  Which means that they have a Plan B, Plan C and Plan C by which to escape from their well deserved prosecution and punishment.  Which means we must get them, BEFORE THEY GET US.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

BOOM! Evidence of Covid ‘Vaccine’ Crimes Submitted to Florida Grand Jury Investigation

Demands Immediate Ban of Covid ‘Vaccines’ and Criminal Investigations


Document asserts shots be:

“Banned Immediately and Criminal Investigations Should Begin”

As a Florida resident and a board member of the National American Renaissance Movement, on behalf of the National American Renaissance Movement, I just submitted this white paper containing Grand Jury Evidence. This evidence will also be distributed to State Attorneys across Florida and County Sheriffs. This document was prepared by National American Renaissance Movement President, and NJ criminal defense trial attorney, David Meiswinkle. This document lists 149 exhibits and asserts evidence that state and federal crimes have been committed. This document demands an immediate ban of Covid 19 ‘vaccines’ and criminal investigations.

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co