Trained like DOGS: Britons will readily comply with future lockdowns and mask mandates, “Nudge Unit” chief says


by Belle Carter, Natural News:

According to a British government adviser, since the United Kingdom has already been “brainwashed” to learn a new behavior, British people would quickly obey future pandemic lockdowns.

“In principle, you can just switch it [behavior] back on,” Professor David Halpern, head of the Behavioral Insights Team (BIT), which was spun out from the cabinet office, told the Daily Telegraph.


He pointed out that since the country had “practiced the drill” of the pandemic’s restrictive government mandates like wearing facemasks as well as following other health protocols such as social distancing and working from home, it would be easy to “redo it” in a future crisis because people are now “conditioned to do what they are told.” Thanks to the engineered globalists’ pandemic.

Speaking on the “Lockdown Files” podcast, Halpern pointed out that generally, messaging based on fearmongering is ineffective. He defended its use in extreme circumstances, choosing not to reference the mass protests built across the country after the restrictions began in March 2020. “There are times when you do need to cut through… particularly if you think people are wrongly calibrated,” he said.

The Nudge Unit chief also stressed how powerful messages on posters are. These were used throughout pandemic restrictions and could enforce visual prompts so that when people go into a shop or somewhere else, it reminds them, automatically cues and triggers the “learned behavior.”

The people got so used to the restrictions and mandates that they find it hard to “unlearn them.” He cited mask-wearing as an example. Though the threat of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission has lessened to almost no longer risky and studies have proven that facial coverings “never really mitigated the spread of the virus, it actually even caused more harm for increased inhalation of carbon dioxide, people would still feel something is missing or naked when not wearing masks.

“Put it this way,” he said. “You would feel like, ‘Oh my God, I haven’t got my mask.’ You feel naked, right?” This is because, once the public has learned a new behavior or habit, it would be easier to switch it back on. It is already in your system even though plenty of Britons refused to comply and give up their freedoms in the first place.

“Major disasters leave this enduring trace on society,” the professor further explained. As well as knowing the drill, this “quasi-evolutionary” impact is a strong indicator of future behavior, he claimed.

Comments flocked to the Breitbart article that featured this topic. One user named Bonce commented: “He may be in for a rude awakening, ” referring to Halpern. “A lot of people realize they were taken for mugs during ‘Convid.’ Reimposing draconian measures again wouldn’t be met with mass compliance. The government lost what little bit of credibility it had left with ‘convid.'”

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