Tiny Ripples of Hopelessness


by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:

I’m fond of quoting Robert F. Kennedy’s greatest speech in my view, the one where he suggested billions of “tiny ripples of hope” could conceivably come together in a giant tidal wave, to defeat the mightiest tyranny and oppression. Now, he was speaking in South Africa, against Apartheid. Post-Apartheid South Africa isn’t exactly a paradise.

But the point he made was a timeless bit of optimism, perhaps hopium. The little people really can win, because there are so many more of them than the rich authoritarians controlling their destinies. But they have never come together, and probably never will. They’ve shown they have no tipping point. The experiment conducted by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram was begun in 1961. Milgram found that a shocking 80 percent of people will obey any order from an authority figure. Since the population wasn’t quite as dumb or controlled in the 1960s as it is now, we can safely assume that the figure isn’t any lower in 2023.

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Every time someone “pays it forward,” by treating a stranger at a restaurant or similar small gestures of generosity, that does produce a tiny ripple of hope, for instance. But what about the negative ripples? The evil acts of individuals; murder, rape, violent abuse, fleecing innocent persons. I watch some of those shows on the Investigation Discovery Network, primarily to compile research for a possible book on our criminal “justice” system. I never fail to be amazed at the number of seemingly normal, upstanding men and women who wind up doing the most awful things imaginable. I watched one recently about a father who was shown to have raped and killed his little girl, after he’d been the face of search efforts in the media.

Remember Susan Smith? The mother who pushed her car into a lake, with her two small boys strapped in their car seats. And then made up a story about “Blacks” doing it or something, weeping on camera. Is there a worse way to die than that? To be led to your death by your mother, struggling to get out of your car seat as you slowly drown? Well, actually there probably is. How about Andrea Yates? A supposedly devout Christian, she drowned her five small children, one after the other, by holding them under the water in the bathtub. She watched them squirm in terror. And then laid them out religiously on the bed. Said she did for God or something. And her nearly as deranged husband forgave her. That’s as evil as it gets.

It’s disillusioning to watch those shows, to learn just how dark some people, who have fooled their neighbors and the public, can be. John List? The seemingly upright member of his community, who killed his wife and kids, and his elderly mother. Then fled to another state, where he started a new family, and wasn’t caught for decades. What explains something like that? Are these people actually taken over by demons? Maybe the old expression “the Devil made me do it” is more literal than we think. Recall all those cartoons, where the character has an angelic figure on one shoulder, and a little devil on the other, each pulling him in a different direction. More people obey their best impulses, but too many don’t. Some turn into monsters.

I can’t imagine what must be inside a person, what kind of faulty wiring is in their brain, to cause someone to murder. I can perhaps understand crimes of passion. Well, not really, but anger and emotion can certainly bring out the beast in human beings. As bad as it is to take the life of a stranger, often triggered by perverted sexual urges, what could possibly trigger a parent to kill their child? Or a child to kill their parent? They both seem to happen with startling frequency. Whatever was going through Andrea Yates’s muddled mind, for example, how could she not have been snapped back into lucidity after the first or second child?

Murdering your family would be the logical end result of decades of anti-family programming by our friends in Hollywood, and the “education” system. Half of marriages end in divorce, and now fewer people than ever are even bothering to marry. Family dysfunction has been emphasized in the culture, persistently for so long, that almost every family now is dysfunctional. Too many adult children act as if they would like to murder their parents. Many rebellious teenagers have the same attitude towards their parents. Life imitates art. Certainly, this most horrendous of all crimes did happen in the past, but it was extremely, extremely rare.

I am more accustomed to writing about high crimes and conspiracy, driven by the innate corruption of those entrenched in power. Did thirty third degree Mason Franklin Roosevelt feel any guilt after setting up the Pearl Harbor psyop, which resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 Americans? Or his fellow thirty third degree Mason Harry Truman, whose nuclear bombs killed over 200,000 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Roosevelt was never questioned by the kept press. Truman defended his actions for the rest of his life, as did too many other Americans. People still chant the Orwellian excuse that his actions “saved lives.”

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