The Shocking Rewrite of The Covid19 Origins Story (Part 2- Conclusion)


by Maryam Henein, The Tenpenny Report:

Continuing from Part 1

Lies Upon Lies

“I never worked with LIVE  SARS-like coronaviruses,” Hu, stated. He is the assistant researcher to Zhengli Shi.

Hu was fibbing.

It was far back as 2005 that the WIV  laboratory first identified a novel coronavirus similar to the SARS virus in Chinese bats, and named it SARS-like coronavirus (SARS-like coronavirus or SARS-related coronavirus), confirming that bats are the natural reservoir host of a class of coronaviruses related to SARS virus.


In 2017, Hu wrote:

“In addition to epidemiological investigation and sequence analysis, we also conducted cellular infection experiments to investigate the potential cross-species transmission ability of the newly discovered SARS-like coronavirus in bats.”

His name also appears on several papers such as one titled Isolation of ACE2-dependent and -independent sarbecoviruses from Chinese horseshoe bats.

In 2013, the WIV collected animal samples from which they identified

the bat coronavirus RaTG13, which is 96.2 percent similar to the COVID-19 virus.By 2018, the WIV had sequenced almost all of RaTG13, which is the second closest known whole genome match to SARS-CoV-2, after BANAL-52, which is 96.8 percent similar. The claim is that neither of these viruses is close enough to SARS-CoV-2 to be a direct progenitor.

The evidence shows that the SARS-CoV2 very well could be a laboratory product created by using bat coronaviruses ZC45, and/or ZXC2 as a template and backbone, wrote Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan.

“Of course, it was not an accident,” Yan said.

Incidentally, the WIV probably maintains one of the world’s largest repositories of bat samples, which has enabled its coronavirus research and related public health support.

“The information available to the IC indicates that the WIV first possessed SARS-CoV-2 in late December 2019, when WIV researchers isolated and identified the virus from samples from patients diagnosed with pneumonia of unknown causes.”

According to the White Coat Waste Project, a nonprofit that opposes taxpayer-funded research on animals, much of Hu’s research focused on modifying coronaviruses so they could bind to human cells.

“Agency stonewalling and reporting loopholes made it incredibly challenging to follow the money from government agencies to the Wuhan lab, but the documents make it clear that U.S. taxpayer money funded some of Hu’s experiments,” said Anthony Bellotti, the founder, and president of the White Coat Waste Project.

The stated purpose of the research was to identify viruses that could lead to a pandemic and facilitate the development of a vaccine. Critics say that such research requires stringent precautions because they can make the viruses in the lab more infectious for humans. No question. They are gaining the function to make a ‘virus’ more deadly in the name of safety and supposed science.

Chyna Supposed Cover Up

The mainstream media and government blame the Chinese government, hinting that they attempted to cover up the truth from the world. However, China is hardly the only government on the hook. The lab leak theory does not have unilaterally anti-Chinese implications. The United States is guilty. And other countries are too. This plandemic has arguable beginnings as far back as 2003 when SARS-CoV1 was isolated.

Why is it that when the Chinese CCP experiments with ‘viruses’ it’s a bioweapon but when our government experiments with ‘viruses’ it’s dubbed “pandemic preparedness?”

And consider that on the one hand, WIV worked with the U.S. government and on the other hand with the Chinese military People’s Liberation Army PLA (on vaccines and other therapeutics related to coronaviruses).

Dr. Yusen, the former director of the PLA’s AMMS Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity at the Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, filed the world’s first patent application for a COVID-19 vaccine in China on February 24, 2020, just a month after the country acknowledged human-to-human transmission. Yusen is dead after falling from the roof of the WIV within three months of filing the patent.

This discovery raised suspicions that the Chinese military may have been working on a vaccine even before officially notifying the World Health Organization about the outbreak.

Meanwhile, what were the military games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games, on October 18, 2019, really all about? 

Just on June 29, it was reported that WIV researcher Chao Shao revealed China deliberately engineered the coronavirus virus as a “bioweapon,”  and that his colleagues were tasked with identifying the most effective strain for spreading among various species, including people. (Was Shao helping with the ‘it’s all Chyna’s fault’ storyline?).

Chao Shao also made sure to mention that several of his colleagues went missing during the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan.

According to him, one of the missing individuals revealed that they were sent to hotels accommodating athletes from different countries to “check the health or hygiene conditions.” Chao Shao suspected that these actions were unrelated to virology research and suggested that they were potentially involved in spreading the virus.

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