The psychological war waged by the Five Eyes against the very civilians they claim to defend


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In November 2020, GCHQ was ordered “to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda” and “to take out anti-vaxxers online and on social media.”

GCHQ is Britain’s main eavesdropping agency and has a close relationship with the US National Security Agency, as well as the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in an intelligence alliance known as the “Five Eyes.”

Using dirty trick tactics, these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.


As Dr. Robert Malone has been reporting during the Covid crisis the leadership of the Five Eyes alliance nations have actively conspired to aggressively deploy fifth-generation warfare PsyOps technologies on their respective civilian/citizen populations.

GCHQ, JTRIG, Five Eyes and Covidcrisis PsyWar

By Dr. Robert Malone

This substack article includes extensive references to 2014 investigative reporting by Glen Greenwald (based on the Snowden disclosures) which were published in the Intercept prior to his departure from that organisation, as well as information compiled by WikiSpooks, an encyclopaedia of deep politics.  These include:

What is GCHQ?

Government Communications Headquarters (“GCHQ”) is an intelligence agency based in the UK, where, according to their Twitter site, “our brightest people bring together intelligence and technology to keep Britain safe.”[1]

In May 2021, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that GCHQ’s methods for bulk interception of online communications violated the right to privacy and its regime for collection of data was unlawful.[2]

  2. “GCHQ’s mass data interception violated right to privacy, court rules”

For further information, please see the GCHQ PowerPoint slide deck titled ‘The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations’posted by the Intercept on 24 February 2014.

Hacking Online Polls And Other Ways British Spies Seek To Control The Internet, Glen Greenwald, 14 July 2014

The secretive British spy agency GCHQ has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on websites, “amplif[y]” sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be “extremist.” The capabilities, detailed in documents provided by National Security Agency (“NSA”) whistle blower Edward Snowden, even include an old standby for pre-adolescent prank callers everywhere: A way to connect two unsuspecting phone users together in a call.

The tools were created by GCHQ’s Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (“JTRIG”), and constitute some of the most startling methods of propaganda and internet deception contained within the Snowden archive. Previously disclosed documents have detailed JTRIG’s use of “fake victim blog posts,” “false flag operations,” “honey traps” and psychological manipulation to target online activists, monitor visitors to WikiLeaks, and spy on YouTube and Facebook users.

Britain’s GCHQ to wage cyber war on anti-vaccine propaganda: The Times, 8 November 2020. By Reuters Staff

(Reuters) – Britain’s GCHQ has begun an offensive cyber-operation to tackle anti-vaccine propaganda being spread online by hostile states, The Times reported.

This latest move by GCHQ, which gathers communications from around the world to identify and disrupt threats to Britain, is an attempt to counter disinformation activities linked to Russia, the report said.

The British government considers tackling false information about immunisation as a high priority as the prospect of a reliable vaccine against the coronavirus draws closer, The Times said.

A vaccine is seen as the world’s best bet for beating the covid-19 pandemic that has led to more than 1.2 million deaths, roiled economies and disrupted billions of lives.

GCHQ is Britain’s main eavesdropping agency and has a close relationship with the US National Security Agency, as well as the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in an intelligence alliance known as the “Five Eyes.”

“GCHQ has been told to take out antivaxers online and on social media,” The Times said, citing a source.

The report said the focus of the operation is taking down hostile state-linked content and disrupting the communications of the cyberactors responsible.

GCHQ’s 360-degree full spectrum bulk collection data system was constructed in brazen and arrogant defiance of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Britain’s parliament never debated or approved this massive construction programme as it would for any national infrastructure project. Every phone call, no matter the device is recorded, every image, website visited, personal details such as medical and financial records, contacts, everything private to you is no longer private.

Britannia Titanic – “UK Surveillance State More Suited to Dictatorship Than a Democracy”, Graham Vanbergen, True Publica, 27 April 2017

What is JTRIG?

The Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (“JTRIG”) is a subgroup of GCHQ. Citing documents released though the Snowden affair, Glenn Greenwald termed the group “extremist,” he cited documents showing their planning of deceitful strategies to “discredit a target.”

Read more: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations, Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, 24 February 2014

Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics:

  1. to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and
  2. to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.”

Mass Surveillance

In 2014, The Guardian reported that documents provided by NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden about project ‘Optic Nerve’ showed that GCHQ recorded millions of images from Yahoo webchats. To avoid overloading their computers while recording streams of so many users simultaneously, they recorded one image every five minutes from the users’ feeds.

Read more: Optic Nerve: millions of Yahoo webcam images intercepted by GCHQ, The Guardian, 28 February 2014

Tapping Submarine Cables

In 2014, revelations from Edward Snowden revealed how GCHQ acquired taps on internet lines. Whenever GCHQ wanted to tap a new fibre optic cable, they called engineers from BT (codename: REMEDY) to plan where to physically connect to the taps to the cable, and agree how much BT should be paid. GCHQ has internet data feeds from “more than 18 submarine cables coming into different parts of Britain either direct to GCHQ in Cheltenham or to its remote processing station at Bude in Cornwall”.

Read more: Revealed: GCHQ’s beyond top secret Middle Eastern internet spy base, The Register, 3 June 2014

Information Sharing

See Full articles: UKUSAEchelon

GCHQ routinely shares information with other signatories of the UKUSA agreement, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA – The Five Eyes Alliance. This agreement assists all member countries in circumventing laws about spying on their own citizens.

The following table provides an overview of the government agencies involved and their respective responsibilities within the “Five Eyes” community.


Robin Ramsey, editor of Lobster Magazine opined in an editorial: “GCHQ works for the Americans. They must do because the British state no longer has the power to use the information GCHQ gathers.”

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